Chapter 18 - WHAT AM I DOING?!

Start from the beginning


We entered the coffee shop and I ordered us each an iced coffee since Cupid's never been here.

I walked up to the table Cupid was at, which was one in the far corner because I don't like being near people.

"Here," I handed him the cup. "So, why do you stick around?" I took a sip of my drink.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Like, why are you still stalking me?"

"Because I like you, and it gets lonely being a 'matchmaker' you know? When I'm with you I get to have fun," he smiled.


I didn't know that he was lonely, I mean we hardly have conversations like these.

We continued chatting about everything and nothing and we found out a lot about each other. We were in mid-chat when a girl around my age walked up to our table.

"E—Excuse me..."

"Yes?" Cupid asked looking over at her.

"I—I saw you from where I was sitting and I can't help but ask if you're single. You're so handsome and I would really like to get to know you," she said shyly.

What kind of person comes up to a stranger and asks them out? Who in the right mind approaches a stranger in general? I'm such a hypocrite.

I looked at her, she was cute, had a nice face, and seemed to be the type of girl who didn't want trouble. She's a catch and I was worried he might agree to go out with her.

Will he leave me if they go out? Should I do something? I think I'm jealous...

I got up, "I'm sorry, but I'm his boyfriend," I blurted out.

It took me a moment to realize what I just said.


I was mortified and my face was burning.

"Yeah, sorry but we're together," Cupid said getting up from his seat and grabbing my arm.

"Aw, that's too bad. Well if you ever break up with him, then give me a call," she handed Cupid a paper with some chicken scratch writing.

And I'm not saying that because I'm jealous, her writing really does suck, I can write so much better.

"Sure," he put the note in the pocket of his hoodie.

He then dragged us out of the coffee shop and to an empty area, he probably noticed that I was embarrassed.

"I'm so stupid. I'm sorry. I don't know what came over m—" his lips shut me up.

I didn't care at the moment, he pulled me in close so that there was no space between us and we kissed ignoring our surroundings.

This doesn't mean I like him though—well, maybe a little...

When we broke it off Cupid ruined the moment by smirking and asking, "Were you jealous?"

"No, why would I be jealous of her?" I was trying to erase what had just happened from my memory.

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