Just To Hold You Once Again

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As I long to touch you, but you're out of my reach..

Ang tagal na nitong tapos, hindi lang talaga ako makuntento. Jusko yung SDE naman kasi nung kasal sa CHFIL. Bes ano ba.

Hello kay @wanderllandx who messaged me of what she wanted to see if I wrote a part two of 'All I've Ever Wanted'. Syempre sa mga nakamiss daw kuno sa updates! Kaway kaway!

This one's super long. The longest I've written, I believe. Wag sana kayo ma-bore 😅😅 Ibinuhos ko na lahat dito HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA😂


Daniel could only watch. The figure before him was still talking, discussing details of his little sister's wedding; which was what he's supposed to be there for.

God, her beauty was timeless. It's been a little over seven years since he saw her up close - every single feature she sported was alluring, like it was made to shut his mind off. She's always been such a wondrous sight to look at miles away.... But having her this close magnified, accentuated, and highlighted those characteristics.

For years, he stared at her from afar. Every birthday, every holiday, every single day he felt alone would be spent just staring at her.

Was it his fault? She filled all the void.

When he insisted to talk about them instead, her reply was cold-hearted and it left him speechless. Kathryn was not one to say words of hatred, yet he did enough to prove how much he deserved that side of her.

Deep inside, he wanted to clarify everything to her. He wanted to beg for her to listen, to believe him, because the pain was eating him alive.

Since she left, he lived in numbness. He no longer felt that drive to wake up - heck, he no longer felt like he should keep living on the earth's surface.

A cheater like him does not deserve to live.

Of it all, he cheated on the most amazing woman he ever met; to rub salt to the wound, the love of his life.

His instincts told him not to drink that night. And his instincts were making use of her voice to stop him.

Disappointingly, he did drink. A stupid mistake that led to the biggest regret of his life.

It does not help that he now knows the truth.

Daniel stared on at the remains of the meal in front of him, consisting of fries, an empty sundae cup, and a quarter pounder wrapper. He already squeezed the ketchup out of it's contraption, all he had left were the fries, untouched.

Kathryn's favorite. She loved fries, especially the salty ones. She'd sometimes go out of her way to make her own just because it's the perfect 'salty-goodness' (her words) for her, but if she cannot be bothered, she'd use her eyes and her sweetest smile to lure him into McDonald's.

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