Baby Girl

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Sorry na, school started last week and SHSA ngayon ( Buti di ako nagreview!) AKALA KO TALAGA PHYS AT CHEM ANG EXAM BIGLANG CALC AT BIO ( I LURV BIO PERO KAHIT NA! --- e nahihiwagaan pati ako sa kapal ng Gen Chem book mga beshie!

I've finally consoled myself, and I decided to delete my useless drafts from the piling chaos. The deleted ones are either one liners I thought were clever, old plotlines that I've forgotten about quickly, or those super cheesy stuff I wrote when I was twelve.So yay for me! From almost a hundred drafts last week, to around 60. Yep.

News sa nauumay at nanonosebleed sa last updates - Taglish na yung mga susunod! Uki na ba yun?


A smile crept up Daniel's face as he stepped on their front porch.

He knew all too well what was awaiting inside. His wife, patiently waiting for him, with the sweetest smile. She'd have her arms wide open for him, lips puckered up to satiate him and compensate the hours apart. All the while, her kisses were meant to be short and a form of greeting ; but he was far different in that department. Now, she knows not to fight him off if he persisted to kiss and hold her even longer, although it was only the gist of what was to come later in the night.

Imagine his disappointment when his eyes met the stature of his first born.

Not only that. His son flaunted a large and evident scowl, eyes blazing with fury, shoulders squared and all. He looked as if ready to kill.

So unlike Daniel John Bernardo-Ford Jr.

And he should know, as a father very much involved with his children's life. Jay-ar, as they fondly call him, was a very patient and considerate for that matter.

He got it from his mother.

"You look mad." Just then, Daniel rolls his eyes for his remark. This is definitely the right time to state the obvious.

"Of course I'm mad. Some ass broke my sister's heart." His left eyebrow perks up at the mention of the word ass.

The word rolled off his tongue smoothly. And DJ the second never cursed. At least, not in front of him. He would've given him a mighty lecture - for what it's worth, he himself, has no filter at all.

More over, his mind was going bonkers with the latter part of his statement. "What?!"

Jay-ar lifts his dominant hand and rests it onto his forehead. "A guy courted Ky, dad. Turns out, he already had a girlfriend of two years."

His fist mindlessly rolled into a ball as he felt the rage flooding him. "Sinong punyetan--!"

"Don't worry, dad. I took care of that already. I broke his nose.... And a few other bones. He messed with my twin sister, ano ako, Hindi aaksyon? Sinusuwerte yata siya. Too bad, his pretty little face won't be seen inside school grounds any time soon."

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