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His hand slowly caresses her arms, up to her shoulders, slightly nipping at the skin of her neck, before smiling playfully.

"Stop." She complains, but he continues. "Ugh, you're such a pain."

"But you love me," He teases, "Unfortunately," She says back, earning another nip at the firm skin of her exposed shoulder.

She knew this wouldn't last long.

Or at least that's what she's been told.

But the stubbornness in her begged to differ.


"Euphoria," Daniel suddenly blurted out.. It made her wonder.

"Euphoria?" She questions, knowing what the term precisely meant, but curious as to why Daniel chirped the word out of the blue. "Are you on drugs?!" She shrieks in realization.

"What? Heck no!" He defends, looking at her in pure disbelief. "Baby, you know I don't like those things," He frowns.

"But why say euphoria out of nowhere?"

"I don't know......... that's how I feel when I'm with you." He says sheepishly, showing off a million dollar smile.

"As long as you're not on drugs.... okay."

"You're enough to get me addicted. I don't need no damn heroin."


"I knew it." She whispered in disappointment.

The sight before her, hurt her eyes so bad, but also made her heart clench and break into pieces.

Daniel..... with another girl...... a pregnant woman..... and they looked incredibly happy.

As she was about to walk away, she saw Daniel's gaze to her and he froze. That was enough evidence for her theories to be proved right.

He runs to her. "Baby," he exasperates, eyes pleading. "I knew you would do this," she whispers, now more loudly. "I knew you would cheat on me. I knew you would hurt me."


"But I trusted your words when you told me you won't. I trusted you with all my heart and all I get is this in return....... I trusted you even though everyone told me I shouldn't. I trusted you without even thinking about it......... Even though I knew you would just break me....."

"I gave you the chance to break me.......... and you did. Badly.... I thought you wouldn't......"

"Everything was a fad, right? All those flowery words? All those good night calls? All those sweet texts?"

"I thought you'd prove me wrong...... I thought you'd do everything to make it clear that what everyone told me wasn't true......"

His head bows as he sighed. She took it as another sign of approval, that all she said was the truth, he hid from her.

And it hurts.......... more than she can bear.


"This is for the best, ma," Her mom's sobs grew louder as she took a step. "Don't go, sweetie,"

"I'm sorry," she whispers, teary eyed, before walking forth.

Behind her, a few feet away, was a man watching, slowly losing himself as she walked further and further, until she was not in his sight anymore.

And he cried.


"She's back..." He says in realization.

Fragments - KathNiel One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon