The way you look at me (Birthday Special #3)

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Nipost ko na yung #1 at #2 kaninang umaga. Personal favorite 'ko 'tong #3 <3 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Dapat mamaya pa, kaso aalis kami kaya ngayon na. Sige, THANK YOU :3


"Mmm," Daniel groaned as Kath softly shook him, trying to wake him up from his deep slumber. "Ma, 5 minutes." He bids, earning a hearty laugh from her.

The sound of her laughter made him open his eyes. His heart flutters as his eyes focused entirely in the way she moves as her laughs made her shoulders raise, her eyebrows perk and her smile undeniably contagious.

He smiles in his own thoughts. He just loved every moment with her. Every single moment with her, was never dull. He was always seemingly happy. He just liked having himself with her...... He didn't mind if they were talking about non sense things, he just wants to be with her. In any way.

"You're going space cadet on me again," she smiles, "Hellooooooooo!"

"Good Morning, Kath." He greets smilingly. His cheeks almost hurt, but he just couldn't seem to stop smiling.

"Mmm..... Good Morning," She says, planting a soft kiss on his lips. She tries to pull away, failing as he wraps his arms around her, not wanting to let her go. "Get up. Let's eat breakfast."

God. He loves mornings.


He stares at her again....... Dreamingly. She's just that beautiful.....

She turns, his gaze still fixed, but he managed a smile. "Hmm... I knew you were staring at me."

"How could I not?" He exasperates, "You're beautiful..... God,you're so beautiful, love. And I love you. I can't help but appreciate what I have."

She turns a light shade of pink, making her even more beautiful in his eyes. "You're mine, right?"

He waits for her answer as she turns crimson, she bites her bottom lip, softly nodding.

He smiles. "You're mine. And I'm all yours.."

"Yes you are. You're mine." She says back. He laughs. Her possessiveness could make him go crazy.

She turns her heel and starts cooking.


He wraps his arms around her, softly nudging her head to fall back onto his shoulder. She looks at him, hugging back as she softly kisses his jaw line, smiling before comfortably laying her head to his chest.

What a nice way to spend their day off. Just cuddling in the couch, watching some classics.

Well, at least she's watching. As before, Daniel was completely out of focus, all he was doing was staring at her. He just seeks for her every time.

"You know what," she speaks, popping a piece of popcorn to her mouth. "There's just always something in the way you look at me." He stays mum, waiting for her to continue.

"No one ever saw me like you do....."

He smiles. "And now you notice." He says, nodding.

"It's just....... I feel like..... a whole new person every time you stare at me like that......."

"What do you mean?"

Fragments - KathNiel One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon