If I Had A Choice

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"If I had a choice, I'd choose to be with you...... again...."


His heart was racing, and his mind went blank. His body went numb, and he was sweating coldly.

"If I had a choice........" Everyone stopped as he begins.




"I'd want to turn back time......... wherein all I was worried about was which toy to pick....... when all I was complaining about was about how early the bed time is....... when all I was guilty of was eating all the candy in the jar........ all I thought about was being old enough for certain things........ But I never expected anything like this.........."






"If I had a choice, I would choose to be like Peter Pan and never grow up. I want to be that same kid who thinks about how delicious my mom's prepared dinner is......... How high the swings can take me............. What flavor of ice cream should I get............... Why dogs are so fluffy........."






"I would never want to grow up........... If that means I'm excluded with the pain, heartbreaks and all the hardships I'm experiencing as a teen............. If not, I'd want to be numb and not feel anything at all........ Can I just turn back time and make it stop and just replay it all over again?"






"Why do I even bother to reach out? Why am I even letting myself drown in misery? Why am I waiting when it seems like I'm waiting for nothing? Why am I even asking all these things?"






"If I Had A Choice, I'd choose to be with you........again.......... I'd want to hold you tight," A soft cry was heard as he helplessly tries to continue...






"I'd want you to care for me again........... I'd want to whisper in your ear again.......... I'd want to hear you say my name again........I'd want to be the reason of your smiles again............ I'd want to be the reason why you wake up............. I'd want to be the one to love you again...... I'd want to be the one you love again......"

Fragments - KathNiel One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now