In The Mind of The "Best" Boyfriend

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A cute-sy update because all I've been writing about recently were things about marriage. Hooray!


"I hope you realize that I'm not gonna talk to you for the next hundred hours." I smiled foolishly as she sneered. Her childish antics just makes me go crazy.

I knew better than to speak. If I did, she'd roll her eyes and endless snide remarks will be coming my way. She was sassy and quite bossy, but I kinda like it when she bosses me around. Nothing screams possessive better than your girlfriend ordering you to stay away from some bimbo chic.

Besides, I could not muster up even a few words because of how adorable she looked -- more of how adorable she was, entirely.

"Why aren't you talking to me!" She took me by surprise when I saw her in the act of throwing her platform sandals directly to my direction. As far as my reflexes go, I easily dodged it. Okay, now she's completely freaked out and things could go out of hand, but I wasn't letting her off that easy.

"Babe, I know better than to add fuel to the fire. You want my mouth shut, I oblige. I like to think it'll make you happy because a pissed Kathryn is cute and all, but nothing beats a happy satisfied Kathryn. I could get kisses for no reason at all, not that I'm complaining."

A complain escaped her lips and a tear slipped from her beautiful eyes. Oh god, why was she crying? Had I gone too far to extent of her bawling out her eyes? "Baby, baby girl, I'm so sorry, please don't cry,"

"Don't call me baby girl!" She barked, "I'm already pretty much reminded of being a girl. I can only take so much" Something in my brain clicked. It was the time of the month. I knew it! I always had this ability to differentiate her normal and occasional mood swings.

And shoot! I made her walk with me to the grocery store with the harsh UV rays inflicting pain to my eyes and burning my skin. It is so much worse for her. I knew for a fact that she feels much more heat during her days. And let's not discuss the worst case; her cramps.

I did not hesitate to pick her up in my arms and run back to her house. Not before picking up her much admired sandals, though. Enough being a pain, it was time to be the best boyfriend ever!


"Come on, dude, do this for our friendship!" I retaliate through the phone. "It's just a few veggies and meat you know."

Of course we had a reason why we needed to go to the grocery store. I already had an at home lunch date planned. But I didn't have the ingredients I needed.

"I am thoroughly disgusted to even pass by the lousy vegetable lane."

"You're going to risk our friendship over a single favor!?"

"A single favor that would basically be public humiliation. It would scar me for ages, dude! Can't you just--" He was exaggerating things! It's not even half bad as those times when I had to pick up some pads for my girl, but I love her too much to resist her and let her bleed through like that.

"I thought we were friends, but I guess not." My requirement to be in drama class has paid off as I heard him groan and complain, but did otherwise.

For the sake of love. I didn't want to leave her all alone. Their house was a bit creepy, you know. But those thoughts go away as soon as I have her in my arms.

"You were talking to someone?" My eyes diverted to my girlfriend with all the glory. How is it even possible to look that beautiful in an oversized shirt and spongebob squarepants pajamas?

Fragments - KathNiel One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon