|The Lion Whisperer|

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Name: "My name...it's Catherine." ((Catherine Found))

Gender: "What...?" ((Female))

Age: "Please leave." ((18))

Species: "Human, of course.." She rolls her eyes. ((Human))

Appearance: She frowns. "I'm right here." ((Media))

Personality: "Okay, stalk much?" ((Cold, distant, not really all that sociable. She prefers to be alone, and when she does have to interact with others, she tries to keep it to a minimum. The only pleasure she finds in life is safari life and lions.))

Backstory: "S-Stop! Just stop, okay?" ((Catherine grew up on the bad side of town. She only knew the horrible things in life and nothing else. Everyone was very rude to her, constantly bullying her about her appearance or her weird aura. She ignores it, giving up on everyone. She felt like all other people were just against her, so she resorted to animals. Growing close to her cat at home, she realized how much she admired animals. When she reached the current age of eighteen, she moved to another town near a safari resort in South Africa. She'd go there everyday, learning more about animals and how to communicate with them. She doesn't do this as an occupation quite yet, but it certainly is a hobby in which she hopes becomes her career.))

Powers: "Um, no." ((None))

Job: "Not yet." She sighs, shaking her head slightly. ((None))

Other: "Seriously, what do you want from me?" ((None))


1. You were living with your family in South Africa for a few months, just as vacation. You were in a resort where animals were kept and fed, strolling along naturally. It was late at night and you couldn't fall asleep, so you sat near your window with binoculars, looking around the resort for any animals. However, instead, you found a young woman next to a lion (an animal that not many people went to in the resort). It was tamed, of course, but usually left alone. The woman was smiling as she wrote things down in a small journal. You...

2. Make your own up!

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