"I didn't come here to fight. I don't want to be mean, or insult your girlfriend. I actually heard she's a really nice person. Um, but I wanted to come by and apologize. I am sorry for acting the way I have. I have been rude and unkind to you and Nicole. I hope that one day we can move on and all be friends," she was lying through her teeth.

                 "Okay, that's nice. The problem is I don't believe it. Thanks for stoping by, have a nice night,"  I nodded.

Nicole's POV

            I got home a bit early and was so ready to take a bath, that was until I knew someone was in my home. My heart stopped beating for a moment.

              "Tia!" Jessie came out of no where. I jumped a little.

               "Hi sweet girl!" I picked her up.

                 "Hi Colie," Claire came into view.

                "Hey what are you guys doing here?" I hugged her.

                "We wanted to surprise you with dinner. I hope you don't mind," she kissed my cheek.

                "Of course not! I'm so glad you guys are here. Where's Grace?" I asked setting Jessie down.

"Tia," I heard a soft voice say. I peeked around the corner, and there Grace was waddling over to me.

"Oh my gosh she's walking?" I picked her up. Claire nodded, beaming.

"Yeah, she started the other day and hasn't stopped since," Claire kissed her head.

"Aw I'm gong to cry, that's so cute," I gave Grace a few kisses before setting her down.

"So are we waiting for Rafael or are we just going to eat?" She asked.

"Probably eat, because I have no idea when he's going to be home. But let me just changed before we eat, okay?"

"Sounds good," she hugged me. I went upstairs and washed my face. I got changed when I heard someone enter the room.

"Claire?" I called out my voice shaking.

"No, it's me," Rafael came into the closet.

"Oh, hi Honey," I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"Hola Bonita. ¿Como estás?" He smiled softly.

"Pretty good, I'm really happy Claire is here with the kids. How are you? How was your day?" I laid my head on his chest. I liked the after shave he uses. It smells nice.

"It was long. A lot of work to do since I'm leaving but it's all worth it."

"Well good. Get dressed and we'll wait for you to start dinner," I smiled.

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