Inside joke part 2

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After hours of begging the two of you finally spent the entire day watching Harry potter movies. Jim kept saying he had important things to do but once you started the first movie he was totally lost in it. "If I could make a horcrux would you have liked to be one of them?" You smiled uncertainly and nodded your head. "I guess-"

"Cause I would kill to get a piece of me inside of you." Jim wiggled his eyebrows, making you chuckle at him. "Well... I am going to bed and I would mind you slytherin."

Day after

"Guess I'm going to have to call you moaning Myrtle now."


He would always complain about seeing someone he had arrested when he went out to do things like grocery shopping and it became a habit of yours to count how many a week he'd meet. "Two." Greg sighed as he sat down beside you. 

"That's how you know you're a real cop." You chuckled and placed your hand on his knee. "That and planning dinner with you over the phone while standing at a crime scene." He added with a smile. "And all the times we've gone out to a party and people yells 'I didn't do it!', thinking they're original and hilarious." 

You looked at each other and sighed at the same time. "Idiots." 


Whenever Sherlock and John would come over the two of you would go all the way with your lame food jokes, making them incredibly uncomfortable and awkward. "Hey Myke! What do you call a fake noodle?" You chuckled as you leaned closer to him. "I don't know. You tell me." 

"An impasta!" The two of you giggled as Sherlock frowned and John stared at you in both awe and confusion. 

"What's the easiest way to make a banana split?" You shook your head, smiling widely. "You split it in half!"

"Let's go John. I can't watch this anymore." Sherlock decided, unsure of what to think of his older brother. 


Not sure if this counts as inside jokes but I hope you'll let it slide. Anyways... don't forget to comment if you have any requests and as always, have a wonderful day!

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