Chapter 67-Double Daddy Duty

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His lips felt so good against mine. His breath was so minty. What the hell am I saying?!? Zayn's nothing but a friend, a good friend to me. I promised myself that I would focus on something other than boys, and I plan to keep that promise. I just need to take some time for myself to think about my current arrangement. I mean, I never told my mother or Nathan that I would be here so I'm sure they would like a reasonable explanation as to why I'm here unannounced with luggage. 

I proceed through the living room to find a mess of baby crap; diapers, toys, blankets, etc. They must've gone to the grocery store or something. It's not until I hear the sound of glass smashing when I realize that I'm not alone. Tiptoeing, I quickly walk into the kitchen, peering around the corner to see a ton of empty wine glasses and wine bottles, some of them leaking with red wine dripping out of the side onto various surfaces. When I spot a pair of sexy crimson red high heels, I realize it's my mother. She must be seriously drunk....

"Mom?" I call nervously, unsure of her exactly location.

"Lizzie?" I hear her softly reply, sniffling, "is that you? Or am I just insanely trashed right now?"

"It's me," I hold back my laughter, "where are you?"

"In here," her figure emerges, almost resembling what it looks like when a zombie rises from its grave. Her hair's a tangled mess, her cheeks are red and there are black smudge lines smeared across the sides of her face. She's obviously been crying, but why?

"Is everything alright?" I ask softly.

"Why are you here? I-I wasn't expecting you," she avoids my question.

"Where's Nathan?" I press further. 

"He said he was going out last night with some friends, but he hasn't returned since. I'm just really worried, honey. He took your brother with him and his safety is my number two concern. I....I just want to know that the worst isn't true that he cheated on me with some younger chic and that he's never coming back. Do you know where he went?"

"I....I.... No, sorry, I don't. I just got released from my group home earlier today and I thought it might be best if I stayed here for a while until everything with-" I stop myself from saying Harry, because I know she doesn't like him already, "until everything's straightened out. Do you mind if I stay here for a little while?"

"No! Of course not! This is your home. You are always welcomed here, just know that," her words sound very reassuring to me, which I am glad to hear. I need to hear positive things for once in my life.

"Thank you," I smile.

*Harry's POV*

"Did you see Zayn's truck go by?" I ask Louis.

I am beyond positive that that was him, and that Liz was in the truck with him. But where the hell is he taking her?!? Shouldn't she be at The Girls House?

"I saw a truck go by, but I don't think it was Zayn's truck. Who knows? Maybe it was him. Or, maybe it was a guy that looks like him and happens to own the same type of truck."

"Don't make me start doubting myself, Lou. I know it was him. And I wanna know where he's going. He slowed down when he reached our house as though he was stopping. You don't just stop in front of a strangers house."

"Maybe he was going to ask you for directions?" 

"Don't," I shake my head, giving him a warning glare.

"What? I'm just saying! You always assume the worst of everything, don't you?"

"Yes, and it's a very good habit that I've formed," I remark.

Trapped 6: Going The Distance (Sequel To Trapped 5: Happily Ever After)Where stories live. Discover now