Chapter 54-Saturday

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"Lizzie!!!!" My mother cries, "where are my heels?!?"

"Mom," I groan as I notice my mother's blindness, "they're in your hands."

My god how stupid can she be........?

I understand that she's anxious and nervous all at the same time for this but I was never like this. I mean I was nervous but I wasn't like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. But I understand how everyone's different so that explains a lot. But she is pregnant so that might also explain her attitude. 

"Oh," she blinks in surprise, probably feeling like an idiot, "thank you."

I watch her as she takes a seat, slipping them on. I'm not sure wearing heels while pregnant is the best idea, but then again it's my mother. The sound of her heels clicking on the wooden floor echos throughout the house as she paces back and forth anxiously. Where's Eleanor when I need her?

*Eleanor's POV*

His strong hands grip the back of the dress tightly as I feel his cold fingers gently slip around the zipper, tugging it up. I turn around and place a soft kiss upon his lips as a way of thanking him, but I feel as though it isn't enough.

"Thank you Louis," I smile sweetly.

"Anything for my babe."

He begins to walk away but then quickly comes back over to my full length mirror as he begins to wrap his tie around his neck.

"Now remember," he begins, "not a word is said to Liz about our meeting tonight, alright? We don't want her to freak out."

"So you're just gonna let her have a wonderful time with someone and then ditch her on the spot, ruining her night? Great plan," I insult.

"We'll say something right before we bounce so she won't get mad," he reassures me.

"You clearly don't know Liz then......" I mumble low enough so only I can hear. 

*Harry's POV*

"You feeling alright?" I whisper to Megan as she cradles her pillow in bed, alone.

I feel awful, although I'm not sure why considering I didn't do anything. It's all Niall's fault on this one. He wasn't there for her. He left her. He didn't protect her like a true man should. And it's even worse because Niall's not here to comfort her since she lost the baby. She lost her baby boy. But maybe Niall deserves to know because maybe some sense will get slapped into him. Maybe he'll finally get the reality check that he deserves. The man-no, I'm sorry, the boy-there's a difference, deserves to step up and take action. 

"I'm so sorry this happened to you Megan. You didn't deserve this. You've been through hell ever since Niall left and now this is only making things worse. But......on a different note, are you gonna come to the wedding tonight? It's OK if you're not, I'm sure Liz will understand. I'm just asking because I'd be willing to be your date so you're not alone, even though we're not officially dating."

My heart begins to break when I notice her face drop at my final words. I.....never realized that she actually liked me...... I thought she was just hormonal or something.....

"Megan I-"

"I'd just really like some time alone right now if you don't mind," she cuts me off, stopping me in my tracks, causing me to feel even more awful about myself.

*Liz's POV*

*3 Hours Later*

"You may now kiss the bride," I hear, causing the crowd to erupt in cheers.

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