Chapter 52-Jitters

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Nathan stays silent, but I know he wants to ring my neck right about now. I keep glancing back at him as he drives just to see if he's changed his facial expression. Nothing. Just the same stare. And he doesn't even bother looking at me. Is he disappointed in me? Because I'm the daughter he wished he never had? 

"Did you know?" I ask, but then instantly regret speaking when he gives me a death glare and then immediately focuses his eyes back on the road.

I figured now was the time to straighten all of this out..... but apparently he's not ready to talk about it.

"Could you be more specific?" He eventually says, his face softening.

"Did you know that you were my dad this whole time?"

"No. I found out after I got back together with your mother," he pauses before continuing, "I met your mother, then I had sex with her. About a week later we broke up, but I didn't know she was pregnant. She then met your father, got married to him. Right after they got married she had sex with him and pretended the child was his. Then you were born. Your mother never said anything about me during the time we were broken up, because she didn't want your father to know that the child wasn't his or that he wasn't your father. Then,.......... You know what you did-and for your sake I won't repeat the tragic incident. Your mother couldn't stand being alone without a man in her life, so, she changed. When I first met you I honestly never knew that you were my kid. And now that I look back on how many times I tried to get you to have sex with me, and the time that we did have sex, I regret every second of it. And I am so sorry for putting you through all that, I really am. And, then, when I found your mother, I decided to get back with her. After we got talking, she slipped that you were my child, and not your father's. Finding that out was a shock........ but I wanted to keep being around you because I wanted to get to know you better. I wanted to make our relationship better between us. I want to be the father you never had-"

"But why me?!? Why now?!?" I cut him off as I feel the tears begin to collect in my eyes, almost like a dam that's about to burst.

"Because I love your mother. I want to marry her-"

"Well why'd you have to go and fuck up my family by breaking up with her?!? You fucked her and then you left her!! You left her after you knocked her up!!!" 

"Because I didn't know she was pregnant. That's the thing. She didn't tell me-whether she was afraid to or if she didn't know, that's something I'm not sure of, and I don't know if I ever will be sure of that," he explains.

The father I've never had........ This could be both good and bad. Bad especially with the boys. I know he won't want me around them.

*Megan's POV*

Poor Liz..... She didn't deserve that. But she's probably out of jail now and on her way home right about now. But I'm sure she's getting one hell of a lecture from the boys. I look around at my dorm room from which Liz still has yet to clean up her side of her room, considering she hasn't even been around to unpack all of her suitcases. The strange sound of a knock on my door startles me. Liz? No, why would she knock to her own door? I get up and open the door to surprisingly see Harry, although his presence doesn't really surprise me that much.

"Liz isn't here," I tell him, knowing that's the real reason why he's here.

"Did she ever come back?"

"Not since I saw you guys last. Did you guys bail her out?"

"Yeah, but Nathan took her. I figured he would've brought her back here," he sighs.

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