Chapter 9-You're Out of Your Mind

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"Are you OK?" I hear a gentle voice ask me calmly.

Turning around, I see that Liam has come down to the basement. He kneels down next to me and pushes strands of loose hair out of my face.

"Thanks," I mumble.

"Dinner's ready," he smiles sweetly.

Everyone's been a bitch to me lately and he's been the only one that's actually been nice to me. Like what the hell is everyone's problem lately? What did I do?

"I said dinner's ready," he repeats himself, this time a little louder.

When I don't respond, Liam gets the assumption that I'm not hungry, so he stands up and begins to exit. I'm hungry, but I don't wanna go upstairs if I'm gonna get treated like shit. As I hear the sound of Liam's footsteps grow farther away, I'm quick to reel him back in.

"Why does everyone hate me?" I ask.

The sound of my voice startles Liam because I've been so quiet. I just don't wanna waste my breath on someone who doesn't deserve it. 

"No one hates you."

"Yes they do. Danielle called me no good Liz. Like I'm trouble or something. Even Eleanor laughed along with her. And Megan and Niall completely ignored me," I mourn, "everyone hates me."

"Well..........." he pauses, "don't hate you. That is, if I still even matter to you."

"You do. It's just being here, caged up like animals, it's just made me feel like life isn't even worth fighting for anymore."

"Are you hungry?" Liam asks, changing the subject.

"Not really," I mumble, feeling powerless.

"You've gotta eat something-"

"I'll eat later-"

"No, you will eat now. And while you're at it, you can marry me."

"Liam I told you I'm-" I cut myself off.

Did I just hear him correctly? Did he say that he wanted to marry me? Again? After that first marriage completely blew up in our faces, he still wants to try it again. I can't just say no, mainly because I don't want to say no, but I also don't wanna get married to him. In face I really just don't want to be married in general. It takes way too much work and commitment and honestly no guy in the world anymore can actually be committed to one girl and one girl only.

"Liam," I pause, "did you say something?"

I'm only asking just to see if he actually meant what he said. Maybe I'm actually losing my mind and now my mind is making me believe that someone said something. I bet I'm going crazy.

"What? No, I didn't say anything."

*Liam's POV*

Phew. That was a close one. I seriously must be losing it to because I didn't really mean that. I don't want Liz that way anymore. I know my past with Liz is long gone and I know she doesn't want to go back with me. But, even though I can't win her back, I can still get her freedom back with the help of this plan.

I just need Liz to cooperate........

Highly doubt that'll happen........

*Anne's POV*

The autumn leaves fall as I watch my grandson play in the ginormous pile of leaves that Des literally just raked. I'd scold Dylan but he's having so much fun playing in the leaves. And he's only so young so he doesn't know any better. 

It's been over a year since Dylan's seen his father and he's missed him every second, but now he doesn't really publicly let his sadness show. I guess he's finally gotten adjusted to him not being around. I can tell that he wants Harry to be a part of his life but there's nothing I can really do. I still think it was wrong of him to drop Dylan and Daisy off and then leave with no explanation whatsoever explaining where you're going and when you'll be back. But it's nice having them around because they make me feel younger and I enjoy having the privilege of spending time with my grandchildren.

"WHEE!!!!" Dylan cheers as he takes another jump into the leaf pile.

"WHEEEEE!!!" Daisy cheers as well.

The pile of leaves is so big I honestly can't even see the grand kids. Creating a brilliant idea in my mind, I quickly pull out my camera and snap a couple pictures to remember this moment right now. I could maybe also send the pictures to Harry to let him know what his kids are up to.

"Grandma," I hear Daisy call.

I quickly get off of my chair and proceed over to my granddaughter to see what she wants when I notice that she's stopped playing and she's isolated herself from her brother.

"What's the matter Daisy?" I softly ask as I kneel down to her height.

"Where's daddy?"

 *Perrie's POV*

"You're crazy baby," I smile as Nathan and I lay in bed together as we cuddle.

"Crazy for you," he smirks, "no worries. I'll win and then we'll be unstoppable."

*Liz's POV*

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?!?!?!" I gasp when Harry tells me the news.

"I wanted to win you back-"


"I am right here you do not have to yell," Harry snaps as he puts his fingers in his ears to block out my shouting.


"Language!" He scolds, "and would you quit yelling?!? God I thought that the screaming girls at our concerts would make me deaf. Apparently not but you probably will instead. And relax, I've got everything out of control-"


"STOP YELLING!!!!!!!!" He screams, "jesus......."

"I'm sorry," I sigh, "I just don't want to see you get hurt because let's face it, he's gonna whip your ass. Is it really worth fighting Nathan?"

"We're not fighting. We're boxing. There's a difference. And secondly, yes because if I win he promised that he'd stop hanging around you and that he'd let all of us go."

"But I don't wanna leave," I admit.

"Kay now I think you're out of your fucking mind," he chuckles.

"Oh so I'm not allowed to swear but you are? I see how it is........"

"Liz relax. I'm gonna win. I've got it all under control-"

"How?!?" I cry as a tear begins to fall down my face.

I honestly don't wanna see Harry get hurt in this match. I mean, he's been hurt enough times in his life. But this match could bring permanent damage to his body, and I don't wanna see him end up crippled for the rest of his life.

"I'm bringing in some side help to train me," he states, "to help get me into shape for this fight-"

"Please don't say fight because I feel like fight is basically asking for a death sentence," I complain.

"Sorry. But I am getting a trainer."

"Oh yeah, who?"

"Me," I hear a voice respond from afar.

Looking down the hallway some ways, I notice Liam standing proudly as he looks like he's been a personal trainer all his life. I seriously don't want this match to happen because I don't want anyone to get hurt.

"Oh god I can't watch........" I whine as I cover my face with my hands.

Harry you are unbelievable........

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