Chapter 8-Alone

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"No Harry don't go," I whimper as I grip his hand firmly in mine.

I stand my ground as he sadly looks outside at the lawn in the pouring rain. I understand that the note means a lot to him but he's gonna get himself killed if he tries to go out there.

"Harry no I don't wanna see you get hurt," I mumble, "please don't go."

The reflection from the glass door is reflecting onto Harry's face, making it appear as though he's crying. He stands and looks, unsure of where to go. He's so tied, seeming to not be entirely ready to let go of his past. I can deal with what Harry's been through because I've been through a lot myself. I know what it's like to be a total outside. To go from everything to nothing within seconds. I've been there, done that, and hopefully will never go back.

"Harry I'm sorry," I whisper before gently stepping closer to him to cling to his arm tighter.

"I know you are," he whispers after a few moments of silence.

Instead of staying with him, I sulk away, giving him a moment alone to mourn. I walk out of the kitchen into the slave's lounge to see Niall and Megan together, cuddling. The sight of them together just makes me sick to my stomach. I wish someone would pamper my like that.

"Hi guys," I mumble as I begin to join them on the couch.

Before they even notice me, Megan bursts into laughter because of something on TV. I come into view, but they still don't notice me. Whether they're ignoring me or they're just that blind I don't know. Sighing, I turn around and walk back throughout the house in search of someone, anyone, someone that can keep me company because I hate being alone. I begin to head up the steps when I notice Eleanor and Danielle walking into the next room, so I quickly decide to run after them.

"Hey guys wait up!" I call and wave my arms in the air as I desperately try to catch up.

After about a minute of running or so, I notice that they aren't stopping or even seem to notice me. What's with everyone ignoring me? Did I do something wrong?

"It's no good Liz again," I hear Eleanor mutter, resulting in Danielle and her to start giggling like little girls.

No good Liz? Is that my new nickname or something? What's up with the snickering?

I hate the fact that everyone's walking around and making fun of me. Seriously, what did I do? Everyone's happy and/or in a relationship, except for me. I can never seem to keep a boyfriend. When the thought that I'm just gonna end up alone strikes my mind, I become sad and sulk downstairs to be by myself. 

*Liam's POV*

This plan can't possibly fail. It'll work perfectly......... long as we stop playing by the rules......

When I lean down to check my watch, I realize that it's almost time for dinner. Standing up, I quickly pack all of my papers into a folder and casually leave the folder on the table and walk away to head downstairs for our next meal.

But if someone touches that folder, I'm screwed.......

Because no one must know......

*Zayn's POV*

"Zayn, come here," Niall yells in an attempt to flag me down before I head out into the dining room for dinner.

"What?" I grumble before slowly approaching him with his arm wrapped around his lady. It's so sickening. It's so obvious that their love for each other is fake. In a few days, I bet she'll be sorry she ever laid her eyes on him.

"Do you still have that flask full of beer?" He whispers ever-so softly to make sure that no one hears it except for the three of us.

"Yeah. It's hidden upstairs. Why?"

"I wanted a sip of it before dinner. I need something to perk me up," he explains before raising his eyebrows, giving me the hint of what he really wants the beer for.

I roll my eyes at his sick comment, only for him to laugh in the end. Those beds are so uncomfortable why the hell would he want to have sex with Megan on one of those?!? Is he really that desperate for sex?!?!

"Alright," I shrug, "I guess we can go get it. But don't drink too much or else they'll get suspicious."

Before I take him upstairs to my secret stash, I sneakily look both ways to make sure that no one's looking. Then, I slip up onto the staircase, flagging Niall to follow. He silently tells Megan to head into the dining room to basically work as an excuse because if she's there, then Perrie and Nathan will know that Niall will be entering shortly. Most likely she's going to tell them that he's in the bathroom because, let's face it, we're trapped; there's not many excuses that you can make up in this situation.

I lead Niall up into the office where the flask is held. When I realize it's not where I left it, I begin to panic. Did someone take it? After I panic, I begin pushing and shoving things around left and right, desperate for a drink myself.

"You don't know where you left it, do you?" Niall shakes his head, unimpressed.

"I just don't remember the exact location. I know it's in here though-"

"Oh, and that just makes me feel so much better," he mutters sarcastically.

"You know, it'd be nice if you helped look," I groan.

Within a few seconds, Niall begins searching around himself. Pretty much, it's now come down to whoever finds it gets to drink it because I don't remember exactly how much was left in that thing anyway. As I begin to get up from looking under the desk, I whack my head on Niall's arm and the next sound I hear is the sound of papers flying everywhere.

"Niall!" I quietly yell, "look what you did!"

"M-me?!? You bumped me-"

"Hey! Let's not play the blame game here. Now help me clean this shit that you spilled up."

I can tell Niall isn't happy by what I said but we have to hurry or else Nathan's gonna send a search party of guards out to look for us and personally, I would not like to be escorted to dinner by freakishly large and strong guards. I begin piling papers in my hands when a few particular words on some of the papers catches my eye.





Before I even read any of the other words, I immediately perk up by my findings. Clearly my mysterious behavior has Niall puzzled but I quickly act normal to cover my tracks. It's Liam's handwriting, I know that. But Liam wanting to get Liz back? Why would he secretly plan it? Unless I'm just jumping to conclusions and it's actually a plan for something entirely different. Nah.......

But I've gotta warn Liz because what if she gets back with Harry, then he might try to get rid of Harry. I don't want anything violent to occur, but I doubt I can stop violence from happening. 

"Zayn you OK?" I hear Niall ask.

"I uh......I've gotta go," I blurt quietly before storming out of the room and practically jumping down the stairs.

*Nathan's POV*

After what seems like eternity, I notice that there's one person missing.

"Does anyone know where Liz is?" I ask, but everyone just looks around at each other in confusion.

I guess I'll take that as a no then..........

"I'll go look for her," Liam states as he stands up from his chair.

"Alright Liam, you have been dismissed to look for Liz. Make it quick. Only look for Liz," I instruct before relaxing back in my seat.

Trapped 6: Going The Distance (Sequel To Trapped 5: Happily Ever After)Where stories live. Discover now