Chapter 25-A Visit To The Nuthouse

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*Harry's POV*

I request for a nurse to come into my room temporarily to change the temperature of my room because right now I feel as though I'm in a sauna. I'm legit roasting to death right now it's so hot in here. A few moments pass and I hear a light knock on the door, so I yell come in as a response.

"Harry?" The nurse calls.

"Yes. I'm in here. Come in," I reply so she knows I'm not in the middle of getting dressed or anything so she doesn't have to witness anything she doesn't want to see.

"I brought your medicine-"

"I thought you came in here to change my room temperature. It's fucking steaming in here-"

"Harry," she glares, scolding me, but I ignore her warning to watch my mouth.

"I don't need to take any stupid medicine-"

"It will help you get better. Do you want to get better or not?"

I prefer not because to be honest I actually like it in here. I'm taken care of. I know I'm safe. And most importantly, I know I'm away from Perrie. I need to stay away from here. I'm sick of the vibes she's giving Liz which makes Liz feel as though she's suddenly not good enough for me. 

After a few short moments of silence which consisted of a mild stare down and occasional glances at the pills in her hand, she eventually gives up and just sets them down on the side table next to my bed along with a glass of water.

"Take those," she instructs.

I've never actually caught the nurse's name, and to be honest, I don't really want to. She's not my type. I don't want to have sex with her in here anyway. Actually I don't want to have sex in here period. Granted, the walls are soundproof, which is nice, but there are security cameras in each of the rooms to keep an eye on all the patients. That's a major setback for everyone in here, not including me. I miss being around Liz, even though I know exactly where she is. She's at my mother's house to be exact, along with the other boys and girls. She would be nowhere else because she doesn't want to go home. There's nothing for her there and she hates her mother, so there's no point. If I could go home just one last time to see my kids, I'd do anything to get that chance. I miss them so much. I know they're in good hands and all but Dylan needs a father during this time of his life. There's certain things that he needs to learn how to do and he can't learn them if all he has is his mother and his grandmother. My father might help but he's not keen on the fact that I got a girl pregnant at such a young age, even though 18 isn't really that young, but still I don't know what he's thinking. But technically I wasn't the one that got her pregnant first. Louis wins that title. Basically my father doesn't think of me as being responsible enough to keep a relationship going and still be responsible to handle having children. He's never really cared for me, probably thinking that I was a mistake. However when something involves my sister, Gemma, he's right there, ready to help. I don't remember the last time I've seen her. Maybe it was when Liz met my family for the first time. But I don't even remember the last words I said to her. It sickens me to know that we aren't as close as we were when we were young. But I'm only in here because it's best for all of us so I guess I deserve to feel like I'm nothing but a worthless piece of shit. This is what I get.....

"Harry," the nurse calls maybe ten minutes later over my intercom speaker, "you have a visitor. Please take your pills and make yourself look presentable. I'm sending her in in five minutes so you have plenty of time. Please hurry up."

A visitor? Who the hell could it be? More importantly who the hell would want to visit me? I bet it's Liz. She probably couldn't live without me and she just had to see me. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if it was her. But then again, what if it was Perrie?!? God, I'd be screwed to know that she found me in here. She'd never leave. Please let it be Liz.......

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