Chapter 26-The Circle Of Feelings

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"Liz..........Liz wait!" Nathan calls as I run down the sidewalk to my car.

Feeling all the anger that I've felt my entire life boil up inside of me finally rush out, just not in the way I wanted it to.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!?!?!? My mother?!? Seriously?!?! You've done a lot of stupid things, and I mean a lot, but I never pictured you stooping this low," I pause to take a breath, "so what do you want?"

"I don't want anything-"

"Ha! That's a load of bull," I shake my head in utter disappointment, "you're Nathan Sykes for God sake's! You always want something! So, what is it that you want? Obviously you want something from me because you're going after my mother. If you're just doing this to get on my nerves then consider me extremely pissed off at you right now."

I don't know whether I want to cry at this very moment, or if I actually want to punch Nathan. He has no right to mess with my family. I don't care if I still despise my mother, she's my mother and I won't let anyone lay a finger on her whether I still hate her or not. I glance up to see Nathan with his arms neatly crossed over his dress shirt as he takes slow, yet striding steps towards me.

"Liz," he sighs, finally making calm eye contact with me, "I would never screw with your family, you know that. I........really like your mother-"

"But why her?!?" I freak out, "you could choose literally any girl in the world to call yours and you just so happen to choose my mother?!? Why?!?"

" everything I want......" 

"Or did you just want a way to get closer to me?" I glare, knowing one of my many, many theories just had to be right.

"It's nice being closer to you. But, Liz, think of it this way: now you finally have a complete family since your-" Nathan stops himself when he notices my uneasiness by the mentioning of my family. 

"You will never be my father," I growl.

"But I could be-"

"No!" I interject.

I love Nathan, but I would never consider him my father, or even my family for that matter. He's a friend, nothing more. And that's the way I plan for it to stay.......

"Liz?" Nathan questions my stateliness, "you alright?"

"I'm going out," I mutter before hopping in my car and speeding off to Harry's mother's house.

*Harry's POV*

 I rise from my deep slumber, which, in fact, didn't include any sleeping. It just included my eyes closed along with silent sobs from my crushed heart. My mother is my rock. My everything. And now that she's calling me a mistake and saying that I'm no longer my child is just heartbreaking. It makes me feel like my life isn't worth living anymore.

"Harry," I hear my nurse's familiar voice call, "it's time to get up. I'll be in to give you your medicine in a few minutes."

I don't need to take any stupid medication. I'm perfectly fine. There's nothing mentally wrong with me. I just needed a way to find some protection. I look around my windowless cell when suddenly the steel door to my room opens, and my nurse walks in.

"Here you go," she smiles lightly as she places the small pills in my palm.

"I'm sorry but I never caught your name," I shake my head, feeling stupid.

She's been my nurse for who knows how long now and I still don't know her name. I find that a tad pathetic. Maybe it would've been easier if she wore a name scrub or something that has her name on it to help me out a bit.

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