Chapter 7-J

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I take his hand, the heat from his hand quickly transferring from his to mine, causing shivers to get sent down my spine from his warm touch. It's nice having someone to trust for once. I stiffen up when he begins to lead me away. I don't know where the hell he's taking me or what he wants to show me. For all I know it could be a dead skunk lying in the middle of the road, who knows?

"C'mon," he smiles cutely, "you trust me..........don't you?"

His words begin haunting my mind like a broken record player.

"You trust me..........don't you?"

"You trust me..........don't you?"

"You trust me..........don't you?"

The flow of his words just has me scared.

Do I really take the chance to trust him? Is it even worth it? Is it really worth the risk just to see what he has to show me?

I shake his hand off of mine and dust myself off, basically blowing him off. He gives me a look wondering what the hell I'm doing but I just do a little shake of my head back and forth.

"N-no. I'm good. I'll pass," I shrug, afraid.

"C'mon. I don't bite-"

"I don't care," I state, my tone suddenly sounding more stubborn than before.

"You're going to like what I have to show you. I promise," he mumbles as he looks directly into mine, his blue/green eyes shining brighter than the sun, his powerfulness showing.

With slight hesitation, I place my small hand in his. When enclosed, he slowly helps me out of my cell, leading me upstairs. I go up the steps to see a smiling Louis, but held up by crutches.

"Oh my god......." I gasp, "my poor baby!"

I quickly rush over to Louis to give him a gentle hug, but his crutches prohibit me from doing so. I look around, smiling at the fact that he's OK. Zayn seems bored, Niall just seems out of it, Liam seems angry almost and Harry just seems creepy. I don't know. He's watching us but he's also glaring at us. If he's upset that I'm still his wife and I'm more concerned with Louis, then I don't really give a fuck. He's done it plenty of times to other girls as well so he's the one to blame to. If he thinks I'm cheating, then he should really take a step back to see how many times he's cheated on me. 

"I told you that you'd like what I had to show you," Nathan whispers in my ear as he stands behind me with his hands placed on my waist gently.

"And I'm sorry for doubting you," I giggle before turning around and placing a short yet sweet kiss on his lips.

"And when did this start?" Zayn unexpectedly asks.

"What are you talking about?" I question.

"This! You and Nathan."

"What?" I ask as I turn around and look at Nathan, "we're not together."

"Then what's up with the kiss?" Niall chimes in.

"It's nothing. I kiss people all the time for no reason," I shrug nonchalantly.

To prove my point, I lean down to a crippled Louis and give him a long romantic kiss. As he begins to move his hands from the handles of his crutches to his face, I'm suddenly scared by the sound of a door slamming shut. I quickly pull away only to realize that Harry's now gone.

"See?" I smirk before quickly excusing myself to take off after Harry. 

If he's pissed at me for kissing Louis, then he shouldn't be. He's kissed plenty of other girls so it's only fair if  I can kiss other guys. Simple logic. I don't see how it's so hard to understand that. It should make even more sense considering we broke up. If he wants to get back together.........I don't know what I'm gonna do. I don't know if I can handle going through all that again.

"Harry wait!" I call when I finally see him walking down the sidewalk quickly.

"What the hell was up with that?!? I know you were trying to piss me off-"

"I was trying to prove a point-"

"What point?!? The fact that we're over?!?"

"No! You were there you heard what I said-"

"Well it sure as hell seemed like you enjoyed those kisses. So which one of them got you pregnant this time-"

"HARRY!" I gasp when I realize that he basically just called me a slut.

As tears begin to come in my eyes, they suddenly stop when I notice what's really going on here.

"Are you.........are you jealous?" I question quietly so he doesn't get worked up again.

"No!" He scoffs as though I was stupid by asking that. 

"You shouldn't be," I tell him, causing him to stop in his tracks as he was about to head inside, not that he could really go anywhere anyway considering we're fenced in.

"What do you mean by that?" He wonders as his hair blows through the fall breeze.

"Well, since you ask," I pause so I can slowly approach him and pull out the note, "you left your wallet in my cell and it fell and this dropped out."

He carefully retrieves the note from my hands and unfolds it, careful to not rip the old, crumpled up paper. His eyes scan the neatly handwritten note written in cursive. The writing seems a bit sloppy so it must've been written last minute. He continuously looks up at me and then back down at the paper. When he finally reaches the end, he folds the paper up once more and sticks it in his back pocket making sure that it's in there and won't fall out at some point.

"Did you.....uh.......did you read it?" He stammers.

"Uh huh," I slowly nod, keeping my voice low, "so who is she?"

"Jasmine. She was my girlfriend for the longest time. I proposed for her and after she turned me down she told me that she was diagnosed with cancer a while back and she told me that she wouldn't have to much longer to live," he pauses to quickly wipe the tears out of his eyes. Clearly this story is hard for him to tell, "when she..........when she passed away, I just couldn't live with myself. I drank.........a lot. I smoked. But I just couldn't find the courage to meet another girl or sleep with another girl since her. I turned into a complete rebel. A-and then when I met you.......I thought that I finally found my next Jasmine. I just couldn't live without her. She meant everything, the world to me. And so do you. That's why I'm so protective of you."

When he stops, I figure that his story is done and that it's now time for questions.

"So then what was with the bad boy attitude when you first kidnapped me?"

"I wanted to make sure that you were for real. I didn't want to become vunerable only to get turned down once more," he sighs, too depressed to even look at me.

Maybe I shouldn't have even brought it up. Maybe he didn't want me to know........

"Harry I'm so sorry to hear that," I mourn.

"It's alright. But I still think about her everyday."

"Do you.........." I stop to mentally debate if I should actually ask, "do you love her more than me?"

"No. I love you much more. And I still do Liz. I just want you to know that."

"Aww Harry," I blush before pulling him in for a sweet kiss. 

Right as our lips meet, a thunderstorm rolls in and the rain starts pouring down. I squeal in surprise and then Harry quickly takes my hand and runs inside with me.

"C'mon!" He tries to yell over the thunder.

We finally reach the house and immediately begin to dry ourselves off. Harry shuts the door but then quickly begins to panic.

"What's the matter?" I ask, my eyes growing full of concern.

"The fell out of my pocket........"

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