Chapter 38-An Opportunity At Every Corner

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"There's not much to say. Where do I start?"

"How about when Harry first checked himself in," I suggest, "what was your first meeting like?"

"Well, he came in and I knew that there had to be a reason why he admitted himself because he didn't seem like he had any mental problems."

"Did you-" I begin to ask but then stop when I realize the question is too much, and probably way too personal.

Why should I care if they had sex? Harry and I are no longer together. But I still care about him and who he's sleeping around with for some reason. 

"If you were going to ask if I slept with Harry, I didn't," she answers, reading my mind, "I told him flat out I wasn't going to do it."

"Did you......." I trail off, and then I realize it's not worth snooping, "never mind."

"No, you said that for me to repay my debt I'd have to answer your questions about Harry and I. So go right on ahead. Ask away. Go as personal as you want. And I'm answering honestly just so you know."

"Did you........" I trail off once again, still too nervous to ask, "did you kiss him?"

"Of course not. He would always talk about you so I figured you two were together-"

"W-what kind of things did he say about me?" 

"He always mentioned how crazy he was about you. It was adorable. You drove the boy crazy. I've never seen a guy so in love with a girl before."

Really? He was crazy about me? What kind of world are we living in? I stand almost in a trance, too astonished to speak, when I don't even realize that I'm leaving Lydia waiting for me to ask another question.

"Helloooo?" She groans as she waves her hand in front of my face numerous times impatiently, "is anybody home?"

"Sorry," I quickly mumble, "I was just thinking."

"About?" She replies.

"Hey I thought I was asking the questions here?" 

"Well you seemed really into your deep train of thought. I figured you were thinking about Harry."

"Well, yeah, sort of," I shrug.

It's time to move on. It's time for a fresh start. Another new leaf. Another new Liz. I need to stop being so controlling of other people and just focus on myself. I am no longer with Harry so why should I worry about him every waking minute? Exactly, I shouldn't. Feeling as though I need to get my feelings out in song once again, I quickly grab a clean cup and begin to bang on it as though I'm doing the cup song. New Liz here I come.

"Aha I like where this is going!" Lydia cheers happily.

She quickly grabs a cup and joins in with me. We continue just playing the same melody when suddenly we hear the same beat coming from outside the kitchen. Glancing out, I notice that some of the customers have joined in. This could be fun.

So this is what you meant

When you said that you were spent

And now it's time to build from the bottom of the pit

Right to the top

Don't hold back

Packing my bags and giving the academy a rain check

I begin dancing around the diner, constantly doing twirls which allow my dress to fly up making me look like a little ballerina. I love this feeling so much. It's almost like nothing's impossible at this point. I feel so free. I feel like a new person. Lydia continues jamming out but eventually comes to join me as we sing our favorite song at the top of our lungs. I quickly step up on a chair so I'm on top of a table only to realize some man is staring at me. He's not old, but he's not young either. Maybe mid 30's, early 40's. It's kind of creepy that he's staring, although the entire diner is doing so because we're performing, but he's staring directly at me. Not even bothering to exchange one glance with Lydia, but as though it's all me. I am the star but I'm not the star. I bet he's a friend of Nathan's. Or maybe even a friend of Harry's. Either way, I don't trust this guy, or like him for that matter.

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