Chapter 24-A Chapter Of Texts

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From: Liz

Liam I'm sorry. I didn't know what happened. I just........felt bad. I still might have feelings 4 u. :/

From: Liam

Make up your damn mind already. I can't keep lying to Danielle.

From: Liz

I thought you were popping the question soon.

From: Liam

Well, gee, I would, but then I'd have 2 deal with a certain girl who can't seem to make up her fucking mind over who she wants to be with.

From: Liz

I'M SORRY! I just........can't seem to.......never mind.

From: Liam

No, tell me what u were going 2 say.

From: Liz

I just have a lot on my plate right now. Alright, all I want right now is space.

From: Liam

This Harry drama is really putting an impact in your life, isn't it?

From: Liz

I don't want to talk about it. I'm sorry but I can't right now. I'm not ready to talk about some things just yet.........

From: Liam

What things? Liz what's going on?

From: Liz

I told u I'm not ready to talk about these things. I'm sorry Liam but I just can't.

From: Liam

Well..........whenever you're ready 2 talk, just know that I'll be here, waiting for u. If u ever need someone 2 talk 2, just let me know. Whatever it is I promise it'll just b between the 2 of us.

From: Liz


From: Liam

I love u Liz.

From: Liz

I'm sorry but I can't say the same thing..........

*Liam's POV*

*Next Day*

I haven't talked to Liz in so long, I feel like something's bothering her. I didn't mean to reject her, I just felt bad when Danielle caught us. She doesn't deserve to feel heartbroken. No one does. But I understand what Liz is going through. She's desperate for with someone. 

To be kissed.........

To be touched.....

To be hugged........

To be loved.......

She's so lost. All alone. Especially without Harry. Liz without Harry is like Mickey without Minnie. Pooh without Piglet. Spongebob without Patrick. Tom without Jerry. Bugs without Daffy. I think I've made my point clear. She wants comfort and unfortunately Harry isn't here to give her that.

I almost feel sorry for her honestly.......

She's so confused. So lost. It kills me to see her upset. 

*Liz's POV*

I can't stand the torture of the thought that did this to him. I ruin everyone's lives. It's terrible. And what's even worse is the fact that I have to live with this guilt, especially today. 15 years ago today, I shot my father. And he died, right there on the spot. From there on out, people thought I had mental issues. That I may possibly be suicidal. I was a murderer. And I was never looked at the same.........

"Claire, get me another Bud Light," my drunken father called as he puffed in the smoke from his cigarette. 

I sat and watched Winnie-The-Pooh on the couch. Not thinking that I had anything to worry about. My father kept calling, but got no response from my mother. Little does he remember that my mother went out to buy him more drugs to use as he pleased. But when your on drugs, you barely remember things. Your memory begins to go bad. 

"CLAIRE!!!!" My father screams at the top of his lungs, "get your fucking ass out here this second with my beer!!!"

My mother never liked it when my father swore in front of me, but he did it anyway because he doesn't like to listen. Doesn't surprise me at all.......

An hour has now passed and my father is still yelling for my mother. You'd think he'd realize that she's not home or that he would go looking for her. But, alas, he's still been sitting on his fat ass in the same old chair. The sudden sound of a door creaking opening is enough to get my father's attention. He stumbles to get up but quickly stands above my mother, scaring her.

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU?!?!" My father growls.

"Daniel, please," my mother whimpers, "please don't swear in front of Lizzie-"

"Don't fucking tell me what to do!" He barks, causing my mother to step back in fright; that, and the foul unbearable stench of whiskey and drugs stained to be on his body forevermore. 

In an instant, I hear a slap, and that's when I turn around to see my mother with tears in her eyes. She's just been abused, and it obviously kills her because I'm in the room witnessing this.

"Please, Daniel, not here. Please," she begs.

"Talk one more time. I dare you," my father threatens.

"D-Daniel," my mother chokes.

I watch as my mother stands, startled, her life on the line.

"Lizzie please go upstairs. I don't want you to see this," she whispers.

"Lizzie you get up and I'll kill you too."

I stand, mortified at what's about to become of the situation. When I see my father lean down to pick up his gun, I realize what his plot is. Rushing in, terrified, I snatch the gun before my father's eyes and grasp it firmly in my hands. I had no idea what I was doing. So I just pointed and pulled the trigger, sending him down in the blink of an eye. I, just murdered my own father. But it was self defence, right?

My mother rushes over to me, yanking the gun out of my hands before I accidentally pulled the trigger again. I didn't want to see my mother killed. I didn't want to put up with my father for the rest of my life. 

"I'm so glad you're safe," my mother whispers as she hugs my body tighter.

I sometimes wish I could get myself to believe that I wasn't his murderer, but my confidence is too low for me to actually believe it enough for it to be true. That moment has scarred me. Never again will I be able to hold a gun in my hand and not think about that moment. It still amazes me that I was actually able to do it with ease. I'm surprised I didn't miss like I thought I would. I just wanted to scare my father. I didn't think it could actually kill him.

"I'm so sorry mom........" I whimper.

My life would've been a lot better if I shot them both, but I didn't. 

I sit alone on my bed and cry the pain away when suddenly, my phone vibrates. I pick it up, to notice that I have a text message...........



From: Nathan

Couldn't be happier right now :)

When he happy, something bad is bound to be happening under wraps......

I'm just afraid to find out what......

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