Chapter 45-It's Just Acting

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It's been five minutes. He hasn't said anything for five whole minutes. The suspense is killing me. I know on the inside he's probably screaming his head off and imagining a thousand ways that he can kill Louis and make it look like an accident. I just want him to say something. Anything. I really don't care just as long as some words come out of his mouth.

"Harry?" I say when I notice that he appears to have spaced out.

He sighs, before looking up at me. I can see that his his eyes have turned glassy and his smile has faded. He's clearly not happy about this. He blinks continuously for a short period of time before clearing his throat and smiling, but I can tell it's fake. It's all an act.

"Have fun," he nods before walking away and sitting down in a chair to read over his lines.

Have fun? Is this some sort of test? Is he testing me? Or is he actually not caring about this and letting me do it? I need a guy to talk to about this but none of them will understand me or where I'm coming from. This is what sucks about being a girl. If you tell a girl about your problems, they have a hard time keeping their mouth shut. But if you talk to a boy, they won't understand you and will look at you as though you're speaking a foreign language. It's not fair. But I know, there is no such thing as fair. I'm afraid to ask Eleanor for her permission, but since when do I need to ask for permission to kiss her boyfriend?

"QUIET ON SET!" The director yells, "and........ACTION!"

The actors and actresses begin their scene and during that time, I notice Louis beginning to walk over to me. I stiffen up when I notice, and the fact that I have to kiss him is just making it worse. I feel as though I want to puke.

"You ready?" He smirks.

"I can't do it," I shake my head is response as I avoid his gaze.

"You can. You just don't want to-"

"No, you don't understand! Harry's testing me, I can tell. I can't go through with it. You have to switch roles with him. Harry needs to be DJ."

"There's a reason why he doesn't care, you know," he mumbles.

Yeah, he's testing me. I know he cares about me doing this scene. But, it's just a kiss. It's just acting. It means nothing to me.

"It's just a kiss..." I whisper to myself.

"It's a little more than a kiss, actually," Louis corrects me, "we have to do a sex scene-"

"WHAT?!?!" I yell.

"CUT!!!" The director yells.

"Whoops," I mumble and sulk into my chair to hide myself from embarrassment.

I was so loud that I was heard over the other actors. I just ruined the whole scene.

Good going Liz.....

"Page twenty. Read it if you don't believe me. I'm going to go freshen up."

Louis smirks before making his way into the men's room, probably to brush his teeth, apply some chap-stick, and other stuff that I don't care to think about. Deciding to follow Louis, I open up the script to page twenty and read on, only to find that he's right. I hate him right now.... Feeling as though I have nowhere else to turn, I decide to send a text.

From: Liz


From: Eleanor

Hey, how's everything going?

From: Liz

It sucks. I don't want to do this anymore.

Trapped 6: Going The Distance (Sequel To Trapped 5: Happily Ever After)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant