Chapter 55-Cheater

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"Who was that?" I ask Eleanor as the rain begins to downpour on our heads.

"Zayn," she answers quietly before taking my hand and leading me inside.

*Harry's POV*

"I can't believe you fucking did that," Louis says in awe, his jaw practically on the floor.

"I can't believe you did that either," I glare at Zayn, mentally murdering him.

What the hell is his problem?!? He knows that Liz and I were on the verge of getting back together and now he goes and pulls this stunt! If he has a problem with me being with Liz then he should just tell me instead of making these kinds of scenes this way. 

"You have a lot of balls to go and do something like that," I growl, "but you won't after I'm through with you-"

"Harry," Niall warns me, "don't-"

"You're telling me not to beat the living shit out of him yet you didn't even care when Megan went into labor and then lost the baby!! You have a lot of fucking nerve to do something so selfish Niall! She needed you and you-"

"This isn't about Megan-"

"It is now! You're just trying to change the subject so you won't feel guilty!" I yell.

The car eventually gets quiet. I can tell I hurt his feelings and stunned him but I don't care. He was stupid and so was Zayn and yet they're trying to blame me for "overreacting". I just want to protect Liz. But nowadays I don't think she needs it....

*Nathan's POV*

A crack of thunder startles me from my drunken state, sobering me up. I look around to notice that the staff is beginning to stack up all the chairs. Checking my watch, I'm surprised to see that it's after six. I get up only to see Liz and Eleanor making their way towards the bathroom, closely huddled together. I think it's time that I start acting like a dad.

*Eleanor's POV*

"Are you OK?" I ask after Liz walks into one of the bathroom stalls.

I know for a fact that she went in there just to hide. I know a part of me wants to hug her but another part of me wants to bitch slap her and tell her to make up her mind already. These boys are doing nothing but ruining her.

"I was hoping that it would've been Harry," she whimpers through her sobs.

"Why Harry? You know he's no good for you. He's a great friend but you know you both can't last in a relationship together."

"But he makes me happy. He makes me feel......" Liz eventually trails off.

"Liz I know you're not saying something. You know me, you know I won't say anything if you don't want me to. I know you Liz. And I know whenever you trail off that you have something else on your mind. When you were sick, I remember you always trying to change the subject. Eventually, you told me that you were late. And then you had Daisy as well."

"Do you miss Casey?"

"I do. But I know giving her up was for the best. I wasn't ready to be a mother. Getting pregnant back then was a mistake. I don't know if I'll ever be ready," I explain.

Minutes pass..... I eventually walk over to the sink to examine my appearance in the mirror. As I check, I watch Liz push open the silver bathroom door, revealing herself and how her tears ruined her makeup. Instead of hugging her, I just take a few paper towels and run them under the sink, dabbing her eyes to get rid of the smudges. 

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