Chapter 60-There's A Rat In The House

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Dinner was awkward. It was basically just me talking about my personal life before I came here, which I though was a little much but if it means I get to get out of here sooner than I'll do anything. 

As Shawn and I walk up the stairs, I begin to wish that I actually knew her longer, because she's beginning to grow on me. I like her, she's nice. 

"How long have you been here?" I decide to ask. Questions can't hurt, right?

"About seven months. They said I'd be out a few months ago but I guess they lied. I haven't done anything wrong yet they don't want me to leave. Don't think that's right to be honest."

"It's not right," I agree. 

"It's quite a fucked up system if you ask me," she goes on as we walk into our room, "you in foster care?"

"Nah. I live-well, lived with a bunch of my friends. My parents didn't really take care of me but I never went into foster care."

"Good. Don't. Because it sucks."

*Harry's POV*

I pull up to the curb in Niall's car considering Liz destroyed mine and begin to make my way up to the front door of my mother's house. I miss her dearly and we have rarely spoken to each other since I got married. She opens the door and greets me with a hug when I realize I'm obviously interrupting something.

"Hi...... Uh...... Should I leave?" I nervously stammer while standing in the doorway of the living room that is filled with female strangers.

"No! Harry, please stay. Honey, I haven't seen you in forever! Come, sit."

She quickly ushers me inside and then I realize that the ladies are in the middle of one of those selling parties or whatever they're calling. They're never usually interesting since most parties involve selling candles, and we all know how much fun that is......

The ladies all stare at me, so I give them a filthy look to get their attention off of me. I look around my mother's house, desperate for a distraction when I see a single piece of pie sitting on the edge of the island in the kitchen, so I quickly go in to grab it. As my hand glides across the edge of the ceramic plate, I feel a small hand touch mine. Looking up, I see a girl with chocolate brown hair with hints of red in it, making it appear like she has red hair but she doesn't. She smiles at me and takes the plate for herself. But I'm hungry and I'm determined to get that last piece of pie.

"You want this?" She seductively whispers while she begins to pick up the metal fork.

"Yes I'm hungry," I glare at her but she just smirks.

"You're gonna have to work for this," she giggles before turning around, clearly trying to flaunt herself off to me.

She looks younger than me, almost too young for me.... But she's hot. Not hotter than Liz but she's still smoking. She's a little shorter than me but man does that girl know how to work those shoes-Jesus Christ I sound like a girl!! God I sound like such a fucking pervert!

"I'm Phoenix," she smiles.

Name seems to suit her. Evil, yet hot.

"Harry," I state plainly, "now can I have my pie now?"

"Which pie?" She smirks.

"The pie in your-screw you! I'm going out," I grumble before storming out of the kitchen.

She's fucking annoying. God, even worse than Liz. My mother just looks at me as she's busy trying a sample from a jelly jar. Pushing through the crowd, I manage to find the door.

"Harry?" Her voice cracks, hurt present as she begins to rise from her chair, "I thought you were staying?"

"I ca-" I cut myself off, "...........maybe another time. You seem really busy. And, besides, I don't fit in here right now anyway."

She looks like she wants to cry at the fact that I'm leaving because we barely said 100 words to each other. I know not seeing each other sucks but I'm really busy and stressed out right now. I came here to talk things out with her but obviously that's not happening today. I turn around to see Phoenix looking at me, smirking. I want to get to know her, but only if she stops her act. Does she do this around every human being?

"I guess I could hang out here for another hour or so........" I eventually say quietly, causing my mother's face to light up with joy, which never fails to make my day.

*Liz's POV*

"The first Saturday of every month is when we allow the girls that have done good to get their reward, which is allowing members of their family to come visit them for the day until dinner," Susan explains as all the girls in the house prepare to make themselves look presentable, "Autumn, like I told you, you lost your present of being able to see your family, so no one will be coming to see you today. During that time I expect you to keep yourself busy in your room until the guests leave. You can work during that time if you like."

No one's told me if I'm getting any visitors, and if I am, who is coming? I like to be selective about who I see and who I want in my life. If it's my mother I'm going to throw a fit. I do not want to see her, or Nathan for that matter. I'd like it to be Harry but I doubt he's coming. All the other girls would probably pounce on him and beg him to hop in their pants. Shawn looks like she's about to start crying tears of joy, so I assume this is an emotional time for them and their families....

What family do I have?

"They're here!!!" Chloe screams as her and the rest of the girls begin to run down the stairs.

I wait. Alone, as the rest of the girls greet their loved ones. No one is down there to see me. Who would want to come see me in here like this anyway?

"Liz," Susan speaks up, "are you going to come join us downstairs?"

"I-I will in a minute. My stomach doesn't feel good," I lie.

Susan nods understandingly and continues making her way down the wooden steps. I can just barely get a view of the other girls hugging their parents and siblings. I wish someone I knew was willing enough to come and do something like this. 

It's not long until I see Shawn curiously looking around, and then begins to make her way up the stairs. Was she looking for me? There's a big grin on her face and she takes a step closer to me as I continue watching the families rekindle.

"There's a guy downstairs waiting for you," she whispers in my ear.

Harry? No..... But who in the world could it be??

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