Chapter 61 "I'll Bring Him Back To You!"

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Dawson and Brett are loading Severide up into the ambulance when she reaches them, "Gabby, she has one of those jogging rings that has the blade!" Shaylynn tells her as she follows Dawson up into the ambulance.
Once the doors are closed, Brett takes off. Dawson starts working on Severide.
"His adrenaline must've been so high he didn't even notice she stabbed him!" Shaylynn says to Dawson.
"She was the second woman he took out of the river and kept hitting him in the chest. We all thought she was just panicking!" Dawson tells her as she cuts Severide's shirt open all the way.
That's when both Dawson and Shaylynn notice Severide wasn't just stabbed once, but seven times.
"Brett, hurry up! Kelly's been stabbed multiple times!" Dawson yells to her.

They reach Med.
Shaylynn jumps out of the ambulance and moves out of the way while Dawson and Brett take care of Severide.
Unknown to Shaylynn, Sam followed them to the hospital. She walks up to Shaylynn and stands by her while Brett and Dawson take Severide into the ED.
Shaylynn turns to her side and sees her standing there, "Sam, would you go in and stay with Kelly? I need to make a call" Shaylynn asks her.
"Sure" Sam tells her and walks into the ED.
Shaylynn takes her cell phone out of her back pocket.
"Chrysti, I need for you and your team to go to my Dad's house to protect Taylor and Peter." she tells her.
"What happened?" Chrysti asks her.
"Kelly was stabbed while rescuing women out of the river. It was the second BITCH he took out of the water. She must be working with this bastard!" she tells her.
"We're on our way!" Chrysti says.
Shaylynn puts her phone back into her pocket and walks into the ED.
She sees Sam standing outside of Cell 3 and walks over.
Looking into the cell, she sees Severide laying there.
It finally hits her how hurt he is. The puncture holes on his chest, along with the blood.
Shaylynn can feel her eyes start swelling with tears. The tears then make their way from her eyes down to her cheeks.


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Dr. Choi is the one taking care of Severide, he sees Shaylynn and walks over to her.
"Do you know if what he was stabbed with had a jagged edge?" he asks her.
She gives Dr. Choi a worried look, "Yes, it was one of those jogging rings that has a jagged blade."
He gives her a look and walks back over to Severide. It's times like this she wishes she was never in the military.
Sam saw the look on Dr. Choi's face, "Shaylynn, what is it? Why did Dr. Choi seem really concerned when you said yes?"
"A wound that was made by something that has a jagged edge is harder to repair. Once it's pulled out, the jagged edges damage the skin more than what a regular knife would. That's the reason why everyone in the military carries jagged edge knives" Shaylynn tells her.
Butch, Rob and Dan walk into the ED, "Shaylynn, what's going on? Chrysti called us and said that you were here with Kelly" Butch says to her.
Shaylynn looks at Sam, "I'll be right back."
She grabs on to Butch's arm and starts pulling him outside of the hospital, Rob and Dan following them.
"This is the last straw! I'm tired of the BULLSHIT! When women start working for this asshole, it's time to get dirty! Start rounding up EVERYONE we know who has to do with this bastard, especially Hicks! I'm done with that fucker living across the street from me! Get the word out to Baby Boy that for every person he and his guys bring in that has to deal with this boss, there will be a reward! But, they have to be brought in alive!" she tells Butch, Rob and Dan, "Take everyone to the empty warehouse, I don't want any of them at our new office! Understand?!"
All three guys nod at her and head back to their car.
Shaylynn walks back into the ED.
She walks over to Cell 3 and sees Dr. Rhodes standing in there beside Dr. Choi.
"Connor! Can I talk to you?" Shaylynn says to him.
He walks out to her. She grabs his arm and pulls him over to the side.
"What are you doing?" she asks.
"What do you mean?" he asks her.
"With what's happened, do you really think it's a good idea for you to be treating Kelly?" Shaylynn asks him.
Dr. Rhodes looks at her, "Despite how I feel for you, I'm a doctor first! Even if that means taking care of Kelly. I'm NOT going to risk his life for anything! Shaylynn, he's lost A LOT of blood.
I talked to Dawson and she said the woman who did this was hitting him pretty hard and she's right! When I examined his wounds, this woman did a lot of damage! I'm going to have to go in pretty deep to repair muscle and tissue" he tells her.
Shaylynn glares at him, "Trust me, okay!" Dr. Rhodes says to her while Severide is wheeled out of the cell and toward the elevator.
He starts following behind.
"CONNOR!" Shaylynn calls out to him.
He turns around, looks at her and smiles, "I'll bring him back to you!"
Dr. Rhodes disappears as the elevator doors close.


This is Monday's update. With having to get my kids back on a schedule tomorrow to return to school on Tuesday, I'll be busy.

Look for the next update on Wednesday.

Look for the next update on Wednesday

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