"Yeah, we can see about that." He smiled big, eyes squinted and dimples prominent.

I started to piece more and more together and come to realization.

"So that's what Nick is doing in that warehouse...lab experiments?"

"Correct. And all those times that my phone has immediately rung and that I had to leave unexpectedly and not make it to our Starbucks date, it was Nick. He wanted to me come to the warehouse."

I remembered the time that Nick made me stop my car when I mentioned Harry. He didn't know I was involved or friends with him and that shocked Nick. Then when he was on the phone, the person he was talking to was none other than Harry. That's why Harry texted me and said he couldn't make it...it was all because of Nick. It started to make more sense.

"Wait how did you know Nick was attacking me? How did you know to come?" That question still baffled me.

"Remember when I got that text and I had to leave? It was Nick. He said that he was at the warehouse and wanted to see me. When I arrived, he wasn't there. He lied. I remembered that he lived across the street and that he probably saw me at your house. I left as quick as I could and when I showed up, he was about to kill you."

My heart skipped a million beats. Being reminded of Nick standing over me, holding the cast iron pan over his head about to smash in my bones with it, isn't a pleasant thing to remember. It makes me sick. It makes me wonder if Nick knows I'm here with Harry right now.

"And sometimes I get put on lockdown." He said.

"You what?"

"Nick puts me on lockdown. If things go wrong in the warehouse of if Nick is uneasy with something that involves us then he puts us on lockdown. We can't leave or go anywhere or contact anyone. Lily, I never wanted you to think that I was ever neglecting you or that I didn't care when I would miss school or didn't talk to you. It was all because of Nick...I just couldn't tell you." He put his hand on my hand and looked me in the eyes.

It made me feel so much better that I knew the explanation for all those times I was left hanging or when I wouldn't talk to him. He really did care about me the whole time. I would worry myself sick sometimes thinking about him and missing him. I wonder if it hurt him to not talk to me like it hurt me.

My mind went back to when he used the words "us" and "we". Who was he talking about?

"Harry what do you mean us and we?"

Harry leaned back and relaxed a little. He took a deep breath.

"I forgot to mention that part. Nick took me, a young child, someone in their 40's and an elderly person."

"What the hell did he take those people for?" What is Nick doing that makes him take four people and implant something in them?

"He's doing an experiment. He thinks that one day we will be able to survive as perfect beings...in a perfect world. He actually wants to create his own colony of these people inhabited one day. He took four people, being in different age groups, and put the inhabitant in us. He sent us back out in to the world to see how we would survive and act. So far he's been very pleased...except with me." Harry looked down and then gazed up in to the night sky. I copied him and stared at the beautiful stars twinkling above.

It hurts me to think that Harry is being used. His perfect body is being used for an experiment. Nick only wants him to see if he can be perfect...no one's perfect. No one can live perfect or live perfect to try and please anyone...but Harry has to for Nick and his stupid plans. A thought suddenly crossed my mind.

"Why is he not happy with you?" I frowned and stared at the side of his face as he continued to gaze above. I waited for an answer but it seemed like it took forever to get one.

"Because I've fallen in love."

I felt my stomach drop.

"Why is that so bad?"

"He doesn't want people to fall in love and it shouldn't happen. We aren't supposed to. We aren't supposed to have emotions because emotions cause problems. Jealousy, hatred, stuff like that causes a stir and no peace. He says that love is the strongest. Love can cause hatred, greed, and jealousy. But I'm too strong and I have gained my emotions back because I feel the power of love again."

I almost started to cry. I knew that Harry must have been talking about me. He has fallen in love with me and Nick doesn't want that. It hurts my heart to think that someone can't feel love anymore. If Nick continues to take people and implant them with inhabitants then no one will feel love again or feel anything. They're just empty.

"So is that why Nick is mad at me and wants to kill me? Because I know about all this?"

Harry looked at me.

"That's one reason. He doesn't want the government to find out he's doing this again and succeeding and now that he knows that a human knows he thinks he's in danger."

"Well can't you just tell him that I won't tell anyone?" I started to worry. My voice was getting shaky.

"It doesn't work like that. The main reason he wants to kill you is beacause-" He stopped.

"Is what? Is what, Harry?" I tried to get him to speak. He looked down at his lap. I put my hand up to his chin and turned his head to mine. His grey eyes were a dark color again.

"Is what?"

We both stared at each other.

"Is because I've fallen in love with you and I feel emotions again."

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