Chapter 20 "Out Of The Doghouse"

Start from the beginning

After all the excitement has died down, the crews go about their daily duties around the firehouse.
Shaylynn sitting at the table, downloads the pictures she took. Once they're downloaded she emails the Fire Commissioner the pictures he asked for.
She has headphones on that are plugged into her laptop listening to music. Herrmann walks past her and can hear her music loud and clear.
"Does she have it loud enough?" he asks Severide.
Severide let's out a little laugh, "I thought the samething when I went around her the first time she had headphones on. I asked Butch about it. He said she's done that ever since he's known her. It helps her de-stress, so I just leave her alone" Severide tells Herrmann.
While erasing the pictures from her camera, Shaylynn receives a call on her laptop.
She opens it, and it's Stefani staring back at her.
"Stef, are you on the plane?" Shaylynn asks her.
"Yes, I needed to call you with some news" Stefani tells her.
Shaylynn gets a worried look on her face, "Oh no, it's nothing bad!" Stefani says.
"Good! I thought I was going to have to kick someone's ass!" Shaylynn tells her.
Stefani starts laughing, "Always my protector!"
"So, what's the news?" Shaylynn asks her.
"I received a call......" Stefani pauses.
"And?! You receive A LOT of calls!" Shaylynn says back with a confused look.
"Not like this one!" Stefani tells her with a smile.
"Come on Stef, SPILL!" Shaylynn says.
"Okay! The call I received was....." Stefani pauses again.
"Stef, you're killing me!" Shaylynn tells her.
Stefani smiles at her, "The call was to ask me to do the Super Bowl halftime show!"
Shaylynn thrusts her arms up in the air and let's a very loud "YES!" starling those around her.
Stefani is on the screen "dancing" in her seat with a huge smile on her face.
"You're coming, right? Stefani asks Shaylynn.
"Stef, you know I'm not missing you performing at the Super Bowl!" Shaylynn says a little too loud getting the attention of the guys around her.
Shaylynn looks around and notices she's being stared at.
"I have a feeling A LOT of people might be joining by the stares I'm getting. Now you know once Savannah hears about this, she's going to be the first on the plane, first off, and as soon as she sees you, you're going to get hugged!" Shaylynn tells Stefani.
She smiles at Shaylynn, "I wouldn't have it any other way and looking forward to her hugs! Getting hugs from Savannah, I know they're true and she's not wanting anything in return except to be loved! I better be going."
"Okay. When you start getting details, let me know ASAP!" Shaylynn says.
Stefani gives Shaylynn a look, "You know there's a football game going on, before and after the halftime show?"
Shaylynn laughs, "Now why is there a football game going on before and after your concert?" she says giving Stefani a wink.
The screen goes black. Shaylynn takes off her headphones and looks around at all the guys.
"And....what are you guys staring at?" she asks them.
Cruz and Otis pull out chairs on opposite sides of the table and sit down beside Shaylynn.
"What was this we heard about you talking about the Super Bowl?" Cruz asks her with a big smile on his face.
"It sounded something like you're going to the Super Bowl?" Otis says with a even bigger smile on his face.
Shaylynn smiles and shakes her head, "Nothing gets past you two, does it?" she finishes typing something on her laptop, closes it and looks at the guys, "Stef has been invited to perform the Super Bowl halftime show. This is something she has always dreamed about! She wanted me to know right away so nothing gets planned for that time. Stef knows all too well how things go with my life."
"How about guests?" Cruz asks her.
Shaylynn looks at him, "I don't know how that will work. This isn't like one of her concerts where she can invite who ever she wants and hand out tickets freely. She might just get a certain amount. I know for sure three will already be spoken for, for her Dad, Mom, and Sister, maybe her Grandma. As soon as she hears anything, she'll get in touch with me."
"I doubt all of us could go. Depending how the shifts work out, I don't see a whole shift getting time off if it's our shift" Mouch expresses.
Cruz and Otis get depressed expressions on their faces.
"Guys, you still have time!" Shaylynn reminds them, "I'm going to take this stuff out to my car" she tells them as she stands up, puts on her holster and gathers up her laptop and camera.
She heads out of the Common area, through the stalls, to her car. While putting her stuff in the trunk, a car with tinted windows goes by her slowly.
Shaylynn notices the car, closes the trunk lid and reaches for her gun. When her hand touches her gun, the car speeds away. She looks for a license plate, but there isn't one.
She makes a mental note of the make, model, and color of the car. While looking around to see if the car drives past again, Shaylynn takes out her cell phone.
"Hello, Roger. How are you?" Shaylynn asks.
"Shaylynn! Hello! I'm surprised to be hearing from you. What can I do for you?" Roger Goodell, Commissioner of the NFL, asks her.
Shaylynn laughs at him, "I'm calling for a HUGE favor. It's about the Super Bowl."
"Shaylynn, you know the Super Bowl is football, right?" Roger asks her with a confused tone.
She laughs at him again, "Yes, I know that. Stefani, Lady Gaga, called me and said she's going to be doing the Halftime show, so I'll be coming for that. However, I have A LOT of friends who would like to come for the football game. Can you help me out?"
"What were you thinking?" Roger asks.
"I was thinking a couple of suites for them. That way I'll know they're well taken care of, because I'll be with Stefani" she tells him.
"The Super Bowl will be played in Houston this year, so give me about a week and I'll see what I can do for you" Roger tells her.
"I appreciate that, Roger!" Shaylynn says.
"Since YOU are going to be with Ms. Gaga, is it safe to say I won't have to hire extra security for her?" Roger asks her.
Shaylynn laughs, "Yes, Roger. You won't have to hire extra security, she'll be mine. Since you're doing this favor for me, I'll do this for you and HER! Just make sure your other security personnel knows about me and doesn't give me any hassles about my weapons. Also that Stefani is mine and not to even try to boss me around!"
Roger starts laughing at her, "I don't ever see that happening, them bossing you around."
"Just make sure they know, please. There's going to be enough going on that night" she tells him.
"I'll tell them. Shaylynn, it was nice talking to you, but I have a meeting I need to get to. As soon as I have any info, I'll give you a call" Roger tells her.
"Thanks, Roger!" she tells him and they hang up.
She puts her phone back in her pocket and spots the same car that went pass her earlier.
They see she's still outside and turns down the side street, speeding off.
Shaylynn hurries and gets into her car, turns around in the road, goes down the side street and speeds off after the car.

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