Chapter 7»»I Won't Let That Happen

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I kinda, stayed away from everyone. I didn't wanna go to Dale's funeral, but Mom made me. I stood next to Carl who had his hat in his hand. I held my Mom's hand as Rick spoke.

"Dale could-could get under your skin," Rick started. "He sure got under mine. Because he wasn't afraid to say exactly what he thought. How he felt. That kind of honesty is rare and brave. Whenever I'd make a decision, I'd look at Dale, he'd be looking back at me with that look he had. We've all seen it one time or another. I couldn't always read him, but he could read us. He saw people for who they were. He knew things about us, the truth, who we really are. In the end, he was talking about losing our humanity. He said this group was broken. The best way to honor him is to unbreak it. Set aside our differences and pull together, stop feeling sorry for ourselves, take control over our lives, our safety, our future. We're not broken. We're gonna prove him wrong. From now on were gonna do it his way. That is how we honor Dale."

I noticed a few tears go down both Carl and I's face. I didn't wipe them away. I felt guilty, not sure how Carl felt, but that's how I did. Rick's group is moving in with us. Which means Carl and I could share a room. Or Mom and Beth and I could. Either way, I don't care. I'd still feel guilty. Carl and I were always near each other, but we didn't speak. I knew how he felt now. He was upset about Dale. We all were. I sat on the porch as the group moved in. I drew, and drew. I avoided Shane and Andrea. I didn't like Andrea much. I mean, she was dating Shane. Or something like that. Rick and Daryl were going out on run. Carl and I walked over to Shane.

"Hey Shane," Carl said.

"What's up man?" Shane responded, glaring at me. "What you doing wandering round by yourself? Or you guys' self?"

"If, um, I tell you something will you promise not to tell my parents?"

"I thinks that's a bad idea for the both of us, bud." Carl and I started to walk away when Shane called us back. So we turned around.

"Come on back," Shane said moving some wood. So we did.

"Go on," Shane said sitting down. Carl looked back and got out Daryl's gun.

"I took it from of Daryl's motorcycle," Carl said handing him the gun. "If he found out I took it, he'll kill me."

"What you doing with this?"

"It's my fault. Dale. It's my fault that he died."

"Our," I corrected.

"Why would you say that? He got bit by a walker. Why would?-" Shane got cut off.

"We saw that walker. I was gonna shoot it. It was stuck in the mud. I was, I was throwing rocks at it and stuff, but I was gonna do it, shoot it right in the head. It, it got free, came after me, and we ran away. If I killed it, Dale would still be here-"

"Carl, I want you to stop that okay? This ain't your fault, but you need to hold onto this. You need to protect yourself. Now look, as long as I'm around you, nothing's gonna happen to you, Carl, but I can't keep my eyes on you twenty four seven, only you can do that. Carl, take it." Shane tried handing him the gun.

"I'm never touching another gun again," Carl protested.

"No, that ain't an option, Carl. Okay?"

"Just give it back to Daryl." We walked away pretty fast.

"It's okay Carl," I said.

"No, no it's not. I got him killed," Carl replied.

"Not just your fault Carl. We both did. If I hadn't have let you get close-" Carl ran up to the house and inside to, somewhere. I sighed and sat on the porch. I watch as they unloaded stuff. Carl and Lori will be sleeping in Papa's room. The room closest to mine. I sighed and went inside and to my room. Walking past everyone, including Carl. He was so upset and I didn't want anything to do with it. I sat on my bed and twirled around my pendant. Someone knocked on my door. I looked up and seen Carl standing there. He came in and sat on my bed.

"I'm sorry," he said. "You know that."

"I know," I replied. "It's okay."

"No it's not. I was a jerk. You're my best friend. I shouldn't treat you like that."

"Really, it's fine. Promise me something, okay?"

"Okay! What is it?"

"Promise me we'll always stick together. No matter what."

"I promise. We'll never loose each other. I guarantee it! Maybe we can always stay like this."

Carl took my hand and held it.

"Best friends?" He asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "Best friends." I took my pendant and put it on his shirt.

"What if I loose it?" He asked.

"If you loose it, I'm kicking your butt," I replied giggling. "But if you really do loose it, it means you won't need it. Cause you won't loose me. Mama, my grandma, gave it to me. She always told me that when you have a pendant, and you're close to someone, give it to them. They loose it, they won't loose you. I dunno if I believe it or not, but-"

"Let's go to the barn." I giggled and we ran off. We got to the barn and sat down. He sat down by the opening and I sat on the hay bales. Rick came in and said, "Mom and Maggie said you'd be here."

He sat next to Carl. Carl sighed.

"Told her I would stand lookout," Carl replied. "I got tired helping round the house."

"Take it." Rick handed Carl the gun.

"What happened to Dale, had nothing to do with you," Rick stated.

"He, he died, dad," Carl said.

"Yeah. Yeah. Feels like there's a lot of that going around. That's why I need you. Both of you. No more kid stuff. I wish you could have the childhood I had, but that's not gonna happen. People are gonna die. I'm gonna die. Mom. (Y/n). There's no way you can ever be ready for it. I try to be, but I can't. The best we can do now is avoid it as long as we can, keep one step ahead. I wish I had something better to say, something, something more profound. My father was good like that. But I'm tired, son. Please take it." He did. Rick put his arm around Carl. When Rick left, Carl and I sat there looking out. He turned to me.

"Hey," he said. I looked at him. He took off my pendant and put it in my hand. "I'm not gonna loose you so I don't want it."

"Why?" I asked. "Your dad said we're gonna die. If I die before you-"

"I won't let that happen."

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