Chapter 14««Face To Face

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After a while of abuse, I heard mumbling again. Guess they were talking again. I hope Dad doesn't look bloody at all or bruised. A few minutes later and I heard grunting again. I heard things moving. I wanted to yell over to Dad to see if he was okay, but I couldn't. I heard Dad yell. Then he stopped. I was even more scared at this point. It was silence for a while until a door opened. Someone walked around and took off my blindfold and earmuffs, and cut Mom's rope around her hands. He cut mine too. He went over to the chair across from Mom. I was a little ways away in a corner.

"May I?" He asked. "Thank you." He sat down.

"We'll take you back to your people and explain this was all a misunderstanding," he said. "You tell us where they are and we'll drive you there."

"I wanna talk to Glenn," Mom said.

"I can't allow that. Your people are dangerous. Handcuffed my man to a roof, forced him to amputate his own hand. Amputate means-" I cut him off.

"I know what it means. I'm not five, I'm twelve. Let us talk to my Dad," I said. He ignored me.

"We don't know anything about that," Mom said.

"You just tell us where they are and we'll bring them here. You'll be safe, I promise." There was a silence for a second.

"No?" He asked. "Fine. Let's try something else. Stand up, please," he said to Mom. He leaned closer after the silence from her.

"Stand up," he commanded. She did.

"Take off your shirt," he said. I mentally vomited at his statement. Creep.

"No," Mom stated.

"Take off your shirt or I'll bring Glenn's hand in here then force her to take off hers," he said leaning back. Again, mental vomit. Mom did what he asked. She threw it down.

"Go on," he said. She undid her bra, but instantly covered herself.

"Close your eyes," Mom said as he got up and started unbuckling his belt. I shut my eyes tight. He moved the chair. There was silence, them I heard Mom let out a small, frightened whimper. I heard him slam her on the table.

"Leave her alone," my voice cracked. Again, he ignored me.

"So you gonna talk?" He asked her.

"You can do whatever you're gonna do," Mom said. "And go to hell." I heard him move around. Was he gonna rape Mom? Tears flowed down my face. I was terrified he was gonna do the same thing to me. Mom probably was too. I didn't open my eyes, but he took mom out of the room. I opened my eyes and tried getting loose. Someone grabbed me and threw me in the room with Mom and Dad. Mom was hugging Dad and he gave her his shirt. They left us. Mom was crying.

"You told them?" I asked.

"She had to," Dad said.

"He could've done whatever to us and it would've made them safe."

"Did he hurt you?"

"No. I'm fine. He hurt you though." I hugged them. I just wanted to be back in my cell with Carl laying next to me either playing with my hair or reading me a comic. Carl was gonna lose me and he didn't have my pendant. I have it.

"I'm scared," I admitted.

"Me too," Dad said. "Me too." He rubbed his hand on my back. We were against the wall.

"Maggie, did he-" Dad started.

"No," she said angrily. "No. He barely touched me. All this time running from walkers-you forget what people do, have always done. Look at what they did to you."

"Doesn't matter. As long as he didn't-"

"No. I promise." Mom and Dad hugged with tears flowing down their face.

"Hey," Dad whispered. He got up and went over to the walker. He took the arm off. It was so gross. Mom stood up and went to investigate. He was getting the bone. He gave it to Mom.


Beth rocked Judith. I wish (Y/n) was here to see this. She should've been back earlier. Hopefully they'll be back soon and okay.

"You are good with her," Axel said to Beth. "You got little sisters?"

"No," Beth replied. "I have a niece though."

"How old are you anyway?"

"Seventeen." I crossed my arms. Carol stood by the door.

"Seventeen. Interesting," Axel said.

"May I speak with you?" Carol asked. Axel looked at Beth, then me, then to Carol.

"Me?" He asked. "I'll be right back." I went up to the door.


They opened the door and Mom and Dad attacked them. Mom killed one and the gun went off. I heard people outside freaking out. Mom took the gun and Merle had Dad on the ground sigh his knife hand to his neck. A guy held his gun to Mom.

"Okay," Merle said. "Give me the gun!" He grabbed the gun from Mom.

"Get up!" He yelled at Dad. A man grabbed me and put me on my knees beside Mom and Dad.

"Glad we could catch up," Merle said as he walked in circles. I noticed Dad grab Mom's hand. Mom went to grab mine, but I pulled away. If I was gonna die, I wasn't gonna die a coward.

"Just keep looking at me," Dad whispered to Mom.

"I love you," Mom said as a man put a bag over her head. Then Dad's, then mine.

"Let's go, come on. On your feet, move," a man said. We did what he asked. We started walking. That's when we heard a loud bang. I fell over and scrapped my shoulder. There was a lot of yelling from the men. The bag came off and Daryl grabbed me. He took my hand and we started running. I seen blood trickling down my arm.

"Shit," I muttered. We hid in place and Dad fell.

"Ain't no way out back here," Daryl said.

"Rick, how did you find us?" Mom asked.

"How bad are you hurt?" Rick asked Dad.

"I'll be alright," Dad said.

"Where's that woman?" Mom asked.

"She was right behind us," Rick said looking around. Daryl noticed my arm.

"Shit kid," Daryl said wiping the dripping blood.

"I'll be fine until we get back to the prison," I said to him.

"No time for that." He found some cloth and tied it around my arm.

"Maybe she was spotted," the prisoner said. I never learned his name.

"Want me to go look for her?" Daryl asked.

"No. We gotta get them outta here," Rick said. "She's on our own."

"Daryl, this was Merle," Dad said.

"For fucks sake," I said.

"It was. He did this."

"You saw him?" Rick asked.

"Face to face."

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