Chapter 23»«I Just Am

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I felt something touch my hand so I woke up. A walker had me pinned to my bed. I screamed out for help.

"Help!" I screamed. Only causing more walkers to come my way. Someone came in and killed him. I sat up, scanning my body for scratches, or bites. Nothing. I was fine. Daryl appeared. He picked me up and took me outside. He went back inside. I stood up, twisting my ankle. I fell, scratching my leg on the pavement. I looked around at the people. I looked at the guard tower to see no one. I seen Carl heading in my direction. He helped me up.

"Seen your fall. You okay?" He asked. I nodded. Mom was carrying Michonne. Rick came out and Carl ran over, I almost fell again. He hugged him and began crying. Rick wanted him to stay away, but Carl couldn't resist. Finally he backed away and apologized for using a gun.

"I didn't want to," Carl said. He came back over and helped me. His arm around my waist, my arm around his neck. They continued to talk.

"I was coming back. I fell. They came out and helped me," Michonne said.

"Are you alright?" Rick asked. Rick looked at me.

"Back away from her Carl," Rick said.

"Why?" He asked.

"What happened in there?" Mom asked. A girl came out with a body

"Patrick got sick last night," Rick said. "Some kind of flu. It moves fast. We think he died and attacked the cell block." Instantly, I pushed myself away from Carl. I was apart of that cell block. I didn't wanna be near him. I didn't want him to be sick if I was.

"Look, I know he was your friend and I'm sorry," Rick said to Carl and I. "He was a good kid. We lost a lot of good people. Glenn and your dad are okay, they were in there. As well as (Y/n). You shouldn't get too close to anyone that might've been exposed, at least for a little while. Carl. All of you." Carl went back to helping Michonne as Rick helped me. There was a snowballs chance in hell that I wasn't infected. Rick possibly. Once we had a plan for how we were gonna treat people, anyone and everyone who was exposed has to be contained. That means me. I was put in a cell. Caleb came to check on me. He had said everything was fine, but I should stay the night to make sure. That's what I did. Everyone who was sick was moved to isolation. I think I was the only one not coughing. I heard Dad got sick. All the coughing was annoying. Lizzie came in. I heard her dad died. I felt bad. I also heard that Patrick started all of this. That he was sick. I was so bored in this little cage. I wanted to go with Daryl and Michonne, but I'd compromise it. Carl hasn't visited me yet, unfortunately. I left my bracelet and was hoping he'd bring it. After a day, I didn't have a fever, I wasn't coughing, I wasn't sick. Papa came to check on me.

"I'm not sick, Papa," I said. "Can I come out now?"

"Yes darlin', but don't come near me alright. I've been around a lot of sick people," Papa said. I nodded and left. I went to find Carl. A lot of people were dying. I went, somewhere. Outside, cell blocks. Then, the library. I opened the door and seen Carl and the kids.

"You shouldn't be in here," Carl said, gripping his gun.

"Woah, woah, woah, I'm not sick. I'm fine," I said putting my hand up, signaling for him to stop. He got up and hugged me. I noticed he was wearing my bracelet.

"Can I have that back?" I asked as he pulled away.

"Oh, yeah," he said. He took it on and put it on my wrist. I smiled. He looked back up at me. He walked back to where he was.

"Do we have to stay in here?" I asked.

"Unfortunately," Carl replied. I heard a gunshot and my head snapped in the direction.

"What was that?" Carl asked.

"Give me your gun," I said.


"Carl please! My mom took mine, just let me use it for a second!" He looked at me for a second and sighed. He took the silencer off and gave me the gun. I ran to find out what happened. I ran to the place, it was the infected. Mom was there already trying to open it. She told me to go help the fences, so that's what I did. Carl and Rick were there. I gave Carl his gun back. We started on the fences. One collapsed and so did another. Walkers flooded and we ran. Carl grabbed my hand. Rick fell and we helped him up. We closed the door and locked it. It won't stay that way forever.

"Dad, what do we do?" Carl asked, still holding my hand.

"Maybe I could back the bus against the fence," Rick said.

"Will it hold?" I asked. Rick looked at us, back at the walkers, then back at us, then the walkers.

"Come on," he said and we ran off. We ran to the gun stash and began filling up on ammo. Rick gave me a handgun. I was also given a shotgun. Rick explained how to use it.

"You shoot or you run," Rick said to us. "Don't let 'em get close, okay?" They came through the fence and we began shooting. They dropped like flies.

"Back off!" Rick shouted. We reloaded. One got close to Rick and Carl shot it after Rick knocked it down. I heard distant gunshots. I was worried. We kept shooting. This was terrifying. We finally got all of them. Carl got the last few, as did Rick. A car approached.

"Dad, everything's gonna be okay," Carl said. We ran to help.

"How can you be sure?" I asked. He looked at me for a second and said,

"I just am."

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