Chapter 52««Kill Somebody

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"Where is he?" I asked.

"With the wives," he replied. I walked there. I walked in and seen Negan talking and I seen...I seen Carl. I walked to him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I whispered. He turned to me.

"I was going to kill him, but-" he started as I cut him off.

"You failed, I can tell. Why are you here?"

"To get you."

"You failed and you haven't even left yet. Does Rick know you're here?"

"No. Not yet."

"You are such a dumbass." Negan walked over to us. He gave Carl a beer.

"You want one?" He asked me.

"Thanks, but I'm good with staying sober for the rest of my life," I told him. He chuckled softly and went over to Amber. She'd been crying for a while. They talked for a second. He came back over.

"Go tell the person in charge down there, to get the iron heated up," Negan whispered to me. I looked at Amber and then back at him.

"You're gonna--?" He cut me me off and said,

"Go. Now." I sighed and nodded.

"Stay there until we come down," he said.

"Got it," I said. I looked at Carl for a second and left. I walked passed Dwight and Daryl. I waited for Dwight to come down.

"Yeah, I know," he said.

"Good," I replied. I waited until they both came down.


"No," I told Negan after he asked me to take my bandage off.

"Two men!" He shouted. " Punishment. I wonder how nice your little girlfriend, my daughter, would look with one. Eye." I sighed and took my hat off.


They both came down. Everyone had kneeled, except for me. I didn't have to. He had Carl hold Lucille. He began talking. I had never seen it before. His eye. Only when it happened. Carl looked at me. He came down as everyone stood up. Carl stood by me. I looked down at the bat as Negan grabbed the iron. I put my hand on Carl's, that was on the bat, and took it from him. I didn't want him to hold it. I looked away as Negan put the iron to his face. The guy passed out. Daryl cleaned up the piss. Negan came back over to us. He whispered something to Carl.

"Come on. Join us darling," Negan said to me.

"Call me by my name," I said as I followed him. We went to Negan's room. I noticed Carl didn't have his bandage on. I sat down and relaxed for once.

"Can I wrap up my face now?" He asked Negan.

"No, you absolutely cannot," Negan replied.

"Why the hell not?" Carl shouted at him. Negan chuckled.

"Look at this badass," he said. "You can't because I'm not done with you. And I like looking at your disgusting, rad-ass, badass eye, so it's staying out. What? You got something to say?"

"Why haven't you killed me?" Carl asked. "Or my dad. Or Daryl? Or (Y/n)?"

" gonna make a good solider for me. You see, he thinks he's holding it together...but you saw it. Your dad? He's already getting me great stuff. (Y/n), well, why would I kill someone who I want to be my daughter? She's already a great leader and will take over this place when I die or I'm killed. You, on the other hand...well, we shall see. It's more productive to break you, like her. More fun, too. You thinking that's stupid?"

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