Chapter 28»«I Was Gonna Find Her

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We walked on tracks. I dug through my bag and grabbed Crazy Cheese.

"Crazy Cheese?" I asked Michonne. She laughed and I put it away. We came across a sign.

"What you think?" Michonne asked.

"Let's go," Dad said. "Let's go."

"Hope (Y/n) is there. If she's, you know. Alive," I said messing with her bracelet.

"Isn't that the one you gave her?" Michonne asked. I nodded and said,

"Yeah, when she was mad at me. She dropped it and it was covered in blood. She might not even be alive. It's something I have of her, so."


"What do you have of Carl?" Enid asked me as we walked down the street of our new home in new clothes.

"I, I have nothing," I said sadly. "Just a memory."



We got caught in a mist or a fog. We heard the snarles, but didn't really see them. Once we could, we killed them. They wanted to wait for the fog to clear, but I wanted to find my family.


We came across a grave that said 'beloved father'. After I put flowers on it and stood back, Beth slipped her hand in mine. Just like (Y/n) had did before. I hoped she was okay. Last I seen her, she had gotten shot. She had to be dead by now. I hadn't taught her about anything I knew about medical stuff and stitching yourself up.


We came across a sign that said 'Terminus.'

"When we were out on the run to the veterinary collage, we heard a message about this on the radio," Bob said.

"They were broadcasting?" I asked.

"What did it say?" Sasha asked.

"Couldn't make it out," Bob replied. "I only know because I'm seeing it now. 'Those who arrive survive.'"

"We should go," I said.

"I thought we were looking for Glenn and (Y/n)," Sasha said.

"If they saw one of these, he would go looking for me looking for them. Look at this map. All these tracks from different directions leading to the same place."

"It's far. And we don't know if there are other signs."

"You don't think this is the only one?"

"This is the best lead we've had so far," Bob said. "It's says sanctuary. That's just another reason to try. Others from the prison could be there. Tyreese."

"If it sounds too good to be true...Maybe if they saw one of these, maybe they felt the same way," Sasha said.

"He wouldn't. He'd believe, I know," I said.

"What do you wanna do, Sasha?" Bob asked. "Keep making these circles from the bus? Or are you talking about us starting something else? We're not splitting up. That can't happen. You want to take a vote or something?"

"We don't need to vote," Sasha said and started walking. We followed her. We had a camp set up and we went to sleep. I woke up earlier and left. I left a message for Sasha and Bob.

'Don't risk your lives 4 me good luck'

I left to find Glenn and (Y/n). I wrote on power thing by the tracks for them.

'Glenn, (Y/n),

Go to Terminus


And I kept going. I wrote it every chance I got.


A group found me. They told me the rules.

"Well, lookit here," the man said as the others surrounded me. He came closer and I punched him. I picked up my crossbow and aimed it at him.

"Damn it, hold up!" A man shouted. "I'm claiming vest. I like them wings."

"Hold up," the man on the ground said. He began laughing.

"A Bowman," he said getting up. "I respect that. See, a man with a rifle, he could've been some kind of photographer or soccer coach back in the day. But a Bowman's a Bowman through and through. What you got there, 150-pound draw weight? I'll be donkey licked if that don't at least fire 300 feet per second. I've been looking for a weapon like that. Of course, I'd want one with a bit more ammo and minus the oblongata stains."

"Get yourself in some trouble, partner?" A man behind me said.

"You pull that trigger, these boys are gonna drop you several times over. That what you want? Come on, fella, suicide is stupid. Why hurt yourself when you can hurt other people? Name's Joe." I lowered my bow and said,

"Daryl." They all lowered their weapons. Maybe they'll help me find the others.


I came across a sign. Terminus. We came across another sign.

'Glenn, (Y/n),

Go to terminus


I began sprinting in the direction. It might mean (Y/n) isn't with her, but I'm sure she'll see the sign. I'm sure she'll go.


"Think we got a days worth of water left," Dad said as he walled ahead. "We're lucky it cooled off a little bit, but..." Michonne and I balanced on the tracks, winner gets winner's choice. He turned back to us.

"What are you doing?" Dad asked us.

"Winning a bet," I said.

"In your dreams," Michonne said.

"I'm still on." I began loosing my balance.

"Spoke too soon, wise guy," Michonne replied laughing a little.

"This might go on a while. Maybe we can speed this up," Dad said walking towards us.

"Yeah, you're right," Michonne said. "Shouldn't be fooling around. We should probably, Carl-!" Michonne shouted trying got get me to fall, only to fall herself. I laughed and said,

"I win. Pay up." She took out the candy bars.

"Is that really the last Big Cat?" I asked. I took the Big Cat. After a few minutes of wining, I shared it. We began walking again.


Abraham made us take a break. Tara got hurt. I gave Eugene my riot gear and we kept going.


Joe told me the rules. We stopped for the night. I just wanted to find the group again. That was the only reason I was with them.


I found another sign. It was fresh. There was a tunnel. Abraham didn't want to go trough. I did. I didn't care of the walker sounds, but Abraham did. He wanted to give me food, and he wouldn't let me say no. He gave us a flashlight. We set off. He gave us advice before we left. We went a little slower because of Tara, but that didn't matter. I was gonna find Maggie.

I was gonna find her.

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