Chapter 31««I Couldn't Keep Her Safe

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I went with Aaron almost everyday when he went out. Seeing Enid and Ron less and less. I'd spend most of my time looking for them. Until one day, I just stopped going. I hung out with Enid more. Just Enid though. Not as much with Ron. We went outside the walls

"Why'd you stop going with Aaron?" Enid asked.

"I don't know. I guess, I guess I've just lost hope," I said. "You know?"

"Yeah...go with him. Don't loose faith. They could still be out there. You never know."

"Maybe. I'll go in a few days, okay?"

"Okay." We walked and did what we normally did. I climbed up a tree. A really tall tree. My mistake. I fell. Enid yelled my name. I reached the ground. I felt blood drip down my face. I put my hand up to my cheek and felt the blood. I seen it too. Enid helped me up and we rushed back to Alexandria. Denise stitched me up. Luckily it was only my cheek. Aaron came in and took a picture.

"You guys wanna link arms so I can take a picture of the friendship you have?" Aaron asked. So that's what we did. We linked arms and he took a picture of us. We looked at it. We were laughing. They'll like it.


We escaped. Turns out, Carol saved us. Once we started walking, we seen Tyreese with Judith. Dad and I ran to her. My hope that (Y/n) was alive, became even stronger.

"(Y/n), she could be alive. She has to," I said. It was a good reunion. The only thing missing was (Y/n). We were gonna find her. There was talking, but I didn't listen much. I just tried calming down Judith. We walked again. I carried Jude. We stopped for a while. Then we'd walk again. Carol and Tyreese would fill up water. Michonne would take out walkers. We set up a camp. Dad and Carol talked, but I was soon asleep. After we ate in the morning, we set off. Day after day, we'd do this. I'd try to look for anything, anything at all that would lead me to her. A man screamed for help. I told Dad to go, but I ran anyway. The man kept screaming. I shot at the walkers around a rock, trying to get a priest.

"We're clear. Keep watch," Dad said. "Come on down. You okay?" The man put up one finger and threw up. I looked away. Once he was done, he apologized.

"Yes. Thank you. I'm Gabriel," he said.

"Do you have any weapons on you?" Dad asked.

"Do I look like I would have any weapons?"

"We don't give two short and curlies what it looks like," Abraham said.

"I have no weapons of any kind. The word of God is the only protection I need."

"Sure didn't look like it," Daryl said.

"I called for help. Help came." We all kinda gave this, 'really?' or 'seriously, what shit are you on?' kinda look.

"Do you have--have any food?" He asked. "Whatever I--I had left, it just hit the ground." I took out some pecans.

"We've got some pecans," I said handing them to him.

"Thank you," he said, taking them. Judith cooed.

"That's a beautiful child," he said referring to Judith. I looked at Dad. Then back at him.

"Do you have a camp?" He asked.

"No. Do you?" Dad asked back.

"I have a church."

"Hold your hands above your head." Dad asked questions. The questions we soon start asking everyone. 'How many walkers have you killed? How many people have you killed? Why?' It just seems right. After a while of arguing and walking, we reached a church. It was white and pretty. We went inside and checked it out. Okay well, I didn't go inside. I was told to stay outside, with Judith. Once they were done, they came outside.

"I spent months here without stepping out the front door. If you found someone inside, well, it would've been surprising," Gabriel said.

"Thanks for this," I said.

"We found a short bus out back," Abraham said. "It don't run, but I bet we could fix that in less than a day or two. Father here says he doesn't want it. Looks like we found ourselves some transport. You understand what's at stake here, right?"

"Yes, I do," Dad said. Judith was looking at the grass growing around it. My eyes followed where she looked. She moved around a lot. It made me think of when Daryl and (Y/n) went on the run after she was born. Dad took Judith from me.

"Now that we can take a breath-" Michonne started, but was soon cut off by Abraham saying,

"We take a breath, we slow down, shit inevitably goes down."

"We need supplies no matter what we do next," Michonne said to him.

"That's right," Dad started. "Water, food, ammunition."

"Short bus ain't going nowhere," Daryl said as we began going inside. I didn't hear whatever he said afterwards. Dad asked a bunch of questions. He answered with luck. Bullshit. I took Judith from Dad.

"Did a girl go by here? Alone, hurt?" I asked. "In maybe the last few months?"

"No. Sorry for whoever you're looking for," he said and they began discussing again. I walked over to a bench and sat down, ignoring most of the conversation. I heard about a run and I really wanted to go. Gabriel had to go with whoever was going. He wasn't pleased with it. Dad handed Judith off to someone else and took me somewhere to talk.

"Listen," he started. "I don't trust this guy. And-"

"Why?" I asked.

"Why do you trust him?"

"Everybody can't be bad."

"Well...I don't trust this guy. And that's why I'm bringing with me. But he could have friends. So I need you to stay alert and help Tyreese protect Judith, okay?" I nodded.

"Now, I need you to hear what I'm about to say," he said. I prepared myself that he was gonna say she was dead. That she couldn't have made it.

"Okay," I said.

"You are not safe," he said. But he didn't. He continued,

"No matter how many people are around or how clear the area looks, no matter what anyone says, no matter what you think, you are not safe. It only takes one second. One second and it's over. Never let your guard down, ever. I want you to promise me." Her voice began ringing in my head.

'Promise me, Carl'

"I promise," I said.

"Okay," Dad replied. I stood up as he began walking away.

"Dad," I said. "You're right. I am strong. We both are. But we're strong enough that we can still help people. And we can handle ourselves if things go wrong. And we're strong enough that we don't have to be afraid and we don't have to hide."

"Well, he's hiding something," Dad said.

"I'll stay safe, Dad." They left. My mind kept thinking I made a promise to (Y/n). I still have nightmares of her. Of her being a walker or me not keeping our promises.

I couldn't keep her safe

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