Chapter 22»«What Have We Become?

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(Y/n)-A Year Later

We had things planted everywhere. I showed them how to do it, so did Mom. We had water. We were doing okay. Rick went out to tend to the crops every morning. Guess what, we turned into clueless farmers...again. Carl went to go feed the pigs. He stopped at my cell door.

"Wanna come?" He asked. I looked at him.

"Sure," I said. We started that way. We were friends again, just not best friends. We walked outside. The sun was shining. He had his hands in his front pocket, while I had my thumbs in my back pocket.

"You didn't wake me up," Carl said as we got closer. Rick walked over.

"Cause I knew you were up all night reading comics with a flashlight," Rick said.

"Doesn't surprise me," I said smiling.

"Hey!" Carl shouted in defense, smiling a little. We leaned on the fence.

"What's up with Violet?" I asked concerned.

"Carl, I told you not to name them," Rick said. How'd did Rick guess?

"They're not piglets anymore. They're food," Rick continued.

"I just thought, you know, until," Carl started, but didn't finish. Rick sighed. Then Carl did.

"Okay," Carl sighed.

"I don't know what's going on with her," Rick admitted. "Could be sick, could be nothing." Rick clicked his tongue a few times.

"Feel better, Violet," Rick said to her. Carl and I smiled in victory. Rick smiled in defeat.

"Come on," Rick said. "Let's get to it." We started work. I looked along the fences. They were getting worse everyday and Rick ignored it. They piled up once they died.

"I gotta find my mom. I'll be back," I said. I ran off to find them. I found them gearing up. I ran up and hugged Daryl.

"Hey Pookie," I said. He pushed me away and scoffed. I laughed.

"Be careful," I said. I ran to chase Daryl out as they went down. Carl seen me and got in my way.

"I got new books," he said. I giggled as I grabbed the horse. We overheard them talking about a run of some sort. A hell a lot of walkers. Carl didn't want Michonne to leave again.

"And I'll be back," Michonne said. Daryl and the rest left. We took the saddle and put it away. Took both of us to lift it.

"Going to check the snares?" Carl asked.

"I am," Rick said. "You're not. Do your chores. Read comics. Make him read books, too. Both of you hang out with Patrick. Maybe go to story time."

"Dad, that's for kids," Carl said in a 'really' tone.

"Yeah. Now, (Y/n), brush her down." Rick walked off. We started to get to work.

"No story time," I said.

"No books," Carl said.

"Hey! Books are amazing."

"Yeah, comic books." I rolled my eyes. I looked over for Lizzie and Mica. We seen the other kids. So, we went over to them. They were naming them.

"You're naming them?" Carl asked as Patrick, Carl, and I walked over.

"Well, one of them has a name tag," Mica said. "So we thought all of them should."

"They had names when they were alive," I said as Carl messed with his soccer ball. "They're dead now."

"No, they're not. They're just different," Lizzie said.

"The hell are you talking about? Okay, they don't talk," Carl said. Patrick looked at him.

"They don't think," Carl continued. "They eat people. They kill people."

"People kill people. They still have names," Lizzie said.

"Have you seen what happens?" I asked her as I stepped towards her. "Have you seen someone die like that?"

"Yeah, I have."

"They're not people and they're not pets. Don't name them."

"We're supposed to go read. Come on." Lizzie and the two younger ones walked away.

"You coming to story time tonight?" Mica asked.

"Uh, yeah," Patrick said.

"See ya then." She ran off. Carl and I looked at Patrick.

"I go sometimes. I'm immature," he said. Carl smiled.

"You wouldn't dig it," he said. "It's for kids. I'm gonna head up there, too. I'll catch you later young sir, m'lady."

"Yep," Carl said. We then looked at each other and laughed. We began playing soccer for a while. He stopped after a while. Carl put the ball up and he grabbed my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Story time," he replied.


"Just trust me." I sighed and we went to the library. We hid in the shelves.

"'The children fastened their eyes upon the candle stick and watch it melt'," Carol said as we got closer. "'slowly and pitilessly away. Saw the half inch of a wick stand alone at last. Saw the feeble flame rise and fall. Climb the thin tower of smoke. Linger at its top a moment and then...'." She closed the book as we got settled in a spot.

"Ma'am, should I take watch now?" Luke asked.

"Yes, Luke, you do that," Carol said. "Today...we are talking about knives. How to use them, how to be safe with them, and how they can save your lives."

"Ma'am, may I be dismissed?" Patrick asked.

"What is it?"

"I'm not feeling very well."

"You're gonna have to fight through it. What if you wind up put there alone? You just give up because you're feeling bad?"

"No, it's just I don't want to yak on somebody." Kids moved around.

"Go," she said. He did.

"Okay, today we're gonna learn how to hold a knife," she continued. "How to stab and slash and where to aim for." We got closer, unbelieving what we were witnessing. She seen us. She gave a helpless look and said,

"Please, don't tell your father." Carl shook his head and ran off.

"Please," she pleaded. I ran off to him.

"Carl, they need to learn somehow," I said.

"So what?" He asked. "They'll learn when they're old enough."

"How old were we when we had to learn?"

"Shut it. It's what I said." I rolled my eyes and stopped. He turned to me and stopped.

"Let's go," Carl said as he grabbed my hand. We went back inside. I went to my cell. Carl came in. He sat down on my bed and started reading.

What have we become?

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