Chapter 35««Death

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This Chapter may contain triggering information. Please read at your own risk.


We took a walk to the creek to get water.

"Just stay here, guys," I told a few walkers we were walking past. "Don't get up. There's nothing for you in Washington." Rosita didn't think it was funny.

"It's not not, not not funny," I said.

"Hey, I get that we're all dealing with things in different ways--" Glenn had started to say, but was interrupted.

"Listen, I don't know what to do without DC anymore, but I'm not dealing with it. I'm over it," I said. "I just want him to be okay. Eugene wasn't strong. He isn't fast. He doesn't know how to use a weapon. The truth hurts, but he's useless. He had one skill that kept him living. Are we supposed to be mad at him 'cause he used it?"

"Damn right," Glenn said. We lost time. Maggie and Glenn still are searching for their daughter.


Another day, another day wasted trying to find them. I went up to Enid and I's room. She was in there.

"Well?" She asked.

"Another trail lead to walkers," I said. "We've been tracking them for weeks! It was walkers." I sat on my bed. I put my head in my hands and sat there. I was so disappointed.

"I'll never find them," I whispered. I heard Enid sigh. I felt horrible.

"I should just backtrack. Back to the prison," I whispered. "Yeah. I'll find them there."

"You're going insane," Enid said giggling a little. She was right. I gripped my knife for a second. Trying to find them was driving me insane and it hurt so much. Before I knew what I was doing, I felt pain. Not emotional, physical. I felt blood trickle down my arm as I cut it with my knife. I dropped my knife and stood up. Enid grabbed the nearest cloth she could find and wrapped it around my arm tightly. I felt like Aunt Beth. I felt terrified.


We caught a fish.

"You know how to clean these things?" I asked Rosita.

"I know how clean these things," she said laughing.

"Good, we're gonna need that. Where ever we wind up. You in?"

"I'm in. Along the way we can find whoever you're looking for."

"Guys," Tara said holding something. "You'll never believe what's in this bag."


"Carol," I said. "It's Beth. I just wanted you to know I was here." I took her hand.

"Hope (Y/n) is with everyone else. We will be soon."


We started back.

"You know," Glenn said. "The more I think about it, maybe it wasn't completely not not not funny. Hey. Don't even look at it." I kept yo-yoing my yo-yo as we walked.


I heard yelling outside. It sounded like Gabriel. I started to take off the barricade. I tried, but I couldn't. Michonne used the axe. It took her a lot of swings. I held my gun up and opened the door. I shot a few walkers, then Michonne used her sword. We backed up into the office. There was a hole.

"That's how I got out. Crawl under and to the back," Gabriel said. "Just go. Take the little one and go." So that's what we did. I put my gun away and got in the hole. Michonne handed me Judith.

"Hey, hey. You wait for me," Michonne said. I nodded and began to crawl. I crawled out and waited. The walkers filled the church. I killed the walkers that we're stuck with my knife. Michonne and I blocked the door so they couldn't get out. We wrote on the door too.

'Don't Open. Dead Inside.'

We waited. Michonne had asked Gabriel where he went. I didn't care much. The walkers began breaking the door.

"Where do we go?" I asked. Then, a firetruck came out of nowhere and hit the steps. Abraham and the rest got out. We hugged.

"You're back," Michonne said.

"Eugene lied," Glenn said. "He can't stop it." My heart broke. We'd never find her then.

"Washington isn't the end," Glenn said. "Where is everybody?"

"Beth's alive. She's in a hospital in Atlanta," Michonne told Maggie.

"And (Y/n)?" She asked.

"No," I said.

"Some people have her, but the others went to get her back," Michonne finished.

"Do we know which one?" Maggie asked almost in tears.

"Grady Memorial." Maggie hugged Glenn and began crying.

"Let's blow this joint and go save your sister," Tara said. "Then, your daughter." We left.


We walked inside with the officers. We got to where we were meeting them. Beth and Carol were there. Three officers and a doctor stood next to them. They let the girls through to the front.

"They haven't been harmed," Rick said.

"Where's Landon?" We assumed Dawn said.

"Rotters got him," Shepard said.

"We saw it go down," the other one said.

"Oh," Dawn replied. "I'm sorry to hear that. He was one of the good guys. One of yours for one of mine."

"Alright," Rick said. I moved the man towards them. They let Carol come with us. I took her and her stuff. Dawn brought Beth closer. Rick took Shepard over and we traded.

"Glad we could work things out," Dawn said as Beth walked over to us. We began to leave.

"Now I just need Noah," Dawn said. We stopped and looked at her.

"And then you can leave," she finished.

"That wasn't part of the deal," Rick said as he walked closer to her.

"Noah was my ward," she said. "Beth took his place and I'm losing her, so I need him back."

"Ma'am please. It's not--" Shepard started. Dawn didn't care so she cut her off.

"My officers put their life on the line to find him," Dawn continued. "One of them died."

"No, he ain't staying," I said pushing him back.

"He's one of mine. You have no claim on him."

"The boy wants to go home, so you have no claim on him," Rick said.

"Well, then we don't have a deal."

"The deal is done."

"It's okay," Noah said.

"No, no."

"I got to do it." Noah gave the gun back to Rick.

"It's not okay," Beth said.

"It's settled," Dawn said. Noah walked to them.

"Wait!" Beth said. She ran up and hugged him. Beth pulled away. She walked over to Dawn.

"I get it now," Beth said. She stabbed her in the arm and Dawn shot Beth. Beth fell to the ground. I shot Dawn. Everyone raised their guns. People walked out. Shepard got them to stand down. I started crying. Carol did too. I picked Beth up. Everyone started crying. There was talking, but I didn't care. We left. I was the last one out. I heard Maggie crying as I carried Beth. Maggie dropped to the ground. I hoped that (Y/n) was still alive, but it's just another word to describe


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