Chapter 20««You Stood Up For Me

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We got the crib and went back. I went to the car and got in. I did not care what they had to say. They put the stuff in the back. We got on our way. We passed that one guys bag. So we stopped and took it with us. That poor guy never had a chance. We left that guy to die. Carl nudged my side and so I looked at him. He handed me a wooden bracelet that had a peace sign carved into a small stone. It had some kind of rope around it. Twine, I think.

"What for?" I asked.

"It's a thank you," he replied. I took it and put it on.

"Doesn't make us best friends again," I told him as I looked out the window again.

"I know," he sighed. We got back and the next day, Rick, Daryl, and Papa left to scout something. I wasn't told where they were going. I was told I wasn't allowed to go, which made me want to. I sat in my cell and I just layed there. For hours. Nothing to do, so I layed there. I felt useless. I could've been doing something and I wasn't. I got up and went into a part where everyone was. They were pretty much gearing up for a war.

"Carl, (Y/n), come here," Dad said. Carl walked over, but I didn't. He handed him something and told him to stash them somewhere. Told Beth to do the same thing.

"If anyone gets pinned down we need to make sure they have plenty of ammo," Dad said. "I'll go work on the cage outside." He started that way.

"What we should be doing is loading some of this firepower in a truck and paying a visit to the Governor," Merle said. "We know where he is right now."

"Are you suggesting we should just go in and kill him?" Dad asked.

"Yeah, I am."

"We told Rick and Daryl that we'd stay put," Michonne said.

"I've changed my mind sweetheart. Being on the sideline with my brother out there ain't sitting right with me."

"Three of them are right in the middle of it," I said. "No idea we're coming. They could get taken hostage or killed. A thousand things could go wrong."

"And they will."

"My dad can take care of himself," Carl said.

"Sorry son, but your dad's head could be on a pike real soon." Carl ignored him.

"Don't say that to him," Mom said. There was silence as Merle basically said 'yeah, whatever' without any words.

"It's not the right move," Dad said. "Not now. Can't take the risk of putting them in the crossfire. It's my decision. It's final." Dad left. Then what is the right move? We were preparing for war and it was pathetic. We should kill this guy before he kills anyone. We're just a bunch of sitting ducks. Dad came back in. I went back to my cell as Merle was gonna go kill the bitch and I wanted him to. I heard fighting. Beth shot a gun. I sighed. I had fell asleep messing with my bracelet. I woke up and walked out of my cell.

"So, I met this Governor," I heard Rick say. I leaned over the edge to listen.

"Sat with him for quite a while," he continued.

"Just the two of you?" I asked walking down the steps.


"Should've gone when we had the chance, bro," Merle said. He walked away.

"He wants the prison," Rick said. "He wants us gone. Dead. He wants us dead. For what we did to Woodbury. We're going to war." Rick walked away, Carl followed. Merle and Daryl gave each other a look. Michonne glanced at him. Papa went to find Rick. I sighed. I wanted to kill this guy. This isn't right. War cannot happen. We'd, or most of us, would die. I would die. I'm not built for this world. I'm terrified. I walked back into my cell and crawled on my bed. Under the sheets. Days later, Michonne had a plan of something. I don't know. I didn't pay much attention to anything going on anymore. I mostly stayed in my cell. Unaware of anything and everything. I didn't want anything to do with what was going on. I hadn't drew anything in ages. I picked it up and drew. I heard Daryl looking for Merle, so I followed him. I hid in the doorway as he talked.

"Hey, little brother," I heard Merle say.

"What the hell?" Daryl asked.

"I was just about to holler back at ya."

"What you doing down here?"

"Just looking for a little crystal meth. Yeah, yeah, I know. Shit messed my life up and everything's going so sweet, right?" Merle laughed a little.

"You talk to Rick yet?" Daryl asked.

"Yeah. Oh, yeah. I'm in," Merle replied. "But, uh, he ain't got the stomach for it. He's gonna buckle. You know that, right?"

"Yeah. If he does, he does."

"You want him to?"

"Whatever he says goes."

Merle scoffed and said, "Man. Do you've possess a pair of balls, little brother? Are they even attached? I mean, if they are, do they belong to you? You used call people like that sheep. What happened to you?"

"What happened with you and Glenn, Maggie, (Y/n)? You tortured that little girl. That ain't right, man."

"I've done worse. You need to grow up. Things are different now. Your people look at me likening the devil...grabbin' up those lovebirds and that...little girl like that, huh? Now y'all wanna do the same damn thing I did, snatch someone up and deliver them to the Governor, just like me. Yeah. People do what they gotta to or they die."

"Can't do things without people anymore, man." Merle scoffed.

"Maybe these people need someone like me around, huh?" Merle said. "Do their dirty work. The bad guy. Yeah, maybe that's out it is now, huh? How does that hit you?"

"I just want my brother back," Daryl admitted.

"Get out of here, man." Daryl came through the door. He grabbed my arm tightly and we walked away.

"What the hell?" I asked. We stopped. He turned to me, and he turned me to him.

"What did you hear?" He asked. I looked at him as he was eye level with me. I said,

"You stood up for me."

Promise? »» C.G.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin