Chapter 4»»Massacre

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I ate breakfast with Rick's group the next morning. I seen Mom watching this way. It had me nervous. I sat by Carl as we ate scrambled eggs.

"Where'd you go?" I heard Lori ask Rick.

"I'm here," he said. There was silence as everyone ate. Glenn walked over to a tent.

"Um guys," Glenn said. We all kinda, looked at him.

"So, the barn's full of walkers," Glenn  said. Carl looked at me.

"Did you-?" He started to ask.

"No," I said in disbelief. "I had no idea." We stopped eating and they went down to the barn. I went up to the house.

"What did he say?" Mom asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

"What did Glenn say?"

"I wasn't paying attention." I watched as Shane and Daryl almost started fighting. Carl told me he would tell me what happened later.

"Get in the house. You aren't to talk to that group for a while," Mom said.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Cause. I said so. Glenn won't wake you up, it'll be either me, Beth, or Papa. Got it?"

"You're mean!"

"I'm your Mom. I'm not to be your friend."

"No, you aren't. You aren't my Mom!" I ran to the fields and fell. I skinned my knee. After a while, I went inside to Papa.

"What happened?" He asked as he dried my tears.

"She ran out of the house after yelling at me I'm wasn't her Mom," Mom said as she walked in.

"Now hon, you know we adopted you, but you need to remember. Your real Mom gave you up and we took you in. We wanted you," Papa said.

"I know, but Mom said not to go around Rick's group. What about Glenn? He wakes me up! Carl, we play together and he helps me with math," I said as Papa started to clean my knee.

"They're dangerous hon," Mom said.

"No they aren't. Not Carl."

"You can play with Carl, but stay away from those who have guns alright?" Papa said.

"Okay Papa."

"Now, run on and play." I went outside after giving Mom and Papa a kiss. I sat down with Carl and Lori.

"Does Shane think Sofia's dead?" Carl asked Lori.

"Shane's just scared," Lori replied.

"Of the walkers in the barn?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said nodding.

"Mom," Carl started. "I'm not leaving until we find Sofia. I don't even wanna go after that." When he said his last sentence, he looked at me, then back at his mom.

"Well, we aren't leavin' Carl. Now finish those problems," Lori said.

"I just think-She's gonna like it here. This place, it could be a home." Lori hugged Carl and then he went back to working. I watch and helped him as he worked. It didn't look hard. When I went back up to the house, Rick got done asking, well pleading, to let them stay. Once Rick left, I went up to Papa.

"You're gonna send them away?" I asked my eyes full of tears. Papa turned to me and sighed.

"It's what's best hon," Papa said. I ran outside and to Carl. I hugged him and started crying.

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