Chapter 19: ugh

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I walk in and see Justin standing there with roses and a bag of Taco Bell. I laugh as I look down and bite my lip. I hear Justin's foot prints getting louder as he walked closer to me. He lifts my chin with his finger and leans in. My dad opens the door and hits me in the back of the head.

Dad: "oh sorry am I interrupting something?"
Justin: "no"
Raegan: "yes"
Dad: "okay I'll just come back later"

My dad closes the door. I lean back closer to Justin and just as we're about to kiss he burps. I open my eyes and give him a surprised look. Justin stands there laughing for like 10 minutes straight.

Justin: "that one made me giggle"

I laugh at him but I then pick him up and throw him on the bed. I go over him and start tickling him to he looks like a tomato.

Justin: "stop I don't like bei-"

I continue to tickle him and right out of no where Justin suddenly sat up and kissed me. Our lips moved together as he slowly rolls over me. Justin starts kissing down my neck as i try not to laugh cuz it tickles. He kisses me one last time on the lips as we savour the kiss as if it was gonna be the very last.

Justin: "babe..?"
Raegan: "yes?"
Justin: "can I ask you something?"
Raegan: "yea of course"
Justin: "are you a virgin?"

I have a surprised look on my face because I never thought Justin would ask.

Raegan: "actually um no.."
Justin: "okay, I just wanted to know"
Raegan: "are you?"
Justin: "....."
Raegan: "it's okay baby"
Justin: ".... yea"
Raegan: "awww"

Justin looks away so I don't see him turn red.

Raegan: "babe if I could take my virginity back and save it till we were ready I would"
Justin: "what do you mean we?"
Raegan: "I trust you with my life, I wanna be with you forever"
Justin: "I love you"

Justin hugs me and doesn't let go until a few minutes. When he lets go, he gets off the bed and grabs the back of Taco Bell. "I brought foooooooddd" he laughs. He hands me a taco and a drink" I grab my remote and put on tangled. Justin and I watch this at least everyday together.

*2 hours later*

Justin: "should we start our homework?"
Raegan: "yea it's due tmr"

Justin gets up and grabs his bag from the other side of the room. I realize my backpack is down my the front door. "Hey babe imma go grab my backpack" I say. As I'm walking down the stairs I see a person at my front door. I go to the door and open it and see my grand-parents.

Raegan: "grandma?.... grandpa?"
Grandma: "RAE!!" She pulls me into a hug.

"Babe" I hear justin call down the stairs.

Grandpa: "babe?"
Grandma: "babe?!?"

I look at the ground and tell Justin to come downstairs.

Raegan: "grandma... grandpa... this is my boyfriend Justin"
Justin: "hey" he gives them a big cute smile and shakes their hand.

My grandpa and grandma look at each other and then look at me and smile. I close the door and ask if they want anything to drink. I go to the kitchen and grab some water for them.

Raegan: "so what brings you guys here"
Grandpa: "we heard about your mom.."
Raegan: "um this isn't something I wanna talk about, but my dad will be home in a couple of minutes"

I say as I run up the stairs to my room hoping that Justin would follow. I get into my room and breathe in and out to calm down. Justin walks in and looks at me:

Raegan: "that was months ago and now they show up!"
Justin: "babe calm down"

Justin looks at the bed, and looks back at me. I see tears in his eyes.

Raegan: "babe, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you.."
Justin: "its fine.. I think imma head home tho and get ready for bed"

He comes up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek "goodnight" he says. I watch him walk out of my room. I fall to the ground thinking of how I could be so stupid. I sit there crying for hours as I hear my grand-parents and dad yelling at each other. I then remember something. I walk to my dresser and open the last drawer with my socks. I push all the socks to the left and pull out a small box. I run to the bathroom with the box and lock the door behind me. I open it and see 4 razor blades..

I hold one up in front of my eyes and feel a tears fall from my eyes. I lay it against my wrist and look up at myself in the mirror. I close my eyes and as I go to slide the blade I stop and throw the blades in the toilet and flush. I look back in the mirror and say "your stronger than that". I back up into the wall behind me and slowly slide down as I sit and cry into my knees.

*5 minutes later*

*knock knock*

Dad: "Raegan open up plz"

I get up and unlock the door open it and run into my dads arms.

Raegan: "why can't everyone just forget about her!" I say and sob into his chest.
Dad: "I don't know son, I don't know"

He continues to hug me as I slowly start getting sleeply.

Raegan: "I'm getting tired I'm gonna head to bed"
Dad: "okay goodnight my boy, sleep well" he says and kisses my forehead.

My dad leaves and I slowly crawl into bed. I grab my phone and text Justin.....:

Me: "baby I'm sorry"

I feel a bunch more tears come bursting out. I then fall asleep crying.....

Authors note- hey guys :( I sorry this chapter what sadder than they usually are... today was rough again. But I hope you enjoy this one because the next chapter is gonna get a lot happier I promise. And always remember to stay strong, if you ever need me my instagram is : @xx_morgan16_xx

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