You don't like that (C.H)

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IM NOT DEAD, OHHH, YOU THOUGHT, BITCH YOU THOUGHT, OHHH!! And a mini round of applause bc I'm making my own preference in god knows how long instead of copy pasting from tumbler 😂😂. Random question, how many of you guys live in America?


He took a long hard sip from the Balkan drink, knowing that it'll kill him in the morning. Maybe before then if he keeps on calling the sexy bartender, Amber, over. He was close to 69% drunk at this point, but not drunk enough to remember the reason what carried him to the unstable stool. He took note that the back left arm was shorter than the rest, making the liquor splash about in his stomach as he repositioned. Down the rest of the drink went, burning the back of his raw throat. He lifted his arm to call Amber, who has been not-so-secretly eye fucking him all night, for another drink.

She's not my type he thought to himself. But the second his right arm left the splintery wooden counter, his phone clattered on the wet ground. But it wasn't that, that made his heart stop.

"You, um, dropped this" Her soft voice rang with uncertainty.

"Y/N. Didn't expect to see you here." His gravely voice croaked, not looking at her sad eyes.

"I'm here the same reason you are. To forget" She sat down next to him, another bartender with the name of Karren walked over the ask her what she'd like to drink.

"Bruichladdich X4+1 Quadrupled whisky" She curtly said. He chuckled.

"You don't even like alcohol." He reminded her.

"Now I do. I don't wan't to remember that night anymore than you do. Besides, you hate hangovers, should I remind you of that also?" She looked over at him, her soft eyes pouring a toxic drink of their own.

"Huh, I thought you liked him. I mean, you really screamed his name, louder than you've ever screamed mine. And I can deal with the hangover, it'll distract me for a few minutes." He rudely said, snapping his head to face her hurt face. She dipped her face down low in shame, toying with her fingers as she stared at her drink.

"I don't even know what to say anymore. You know how sorry I am, so what else is there for me to do?" Her voice cracked, evidence from holding back tears.

"I don't know." He sighed.

"I mean, like, it's been, what, 3 weeks? I fell like by now a person should know if they forgive the other or not."

"So you're demanding an answer now?" His anger beginning to show, eyeing her from the side.

"No, I'm not," she defended herself. "I just, just, do you want me around anymore?"

"I don't know." Now it was his turn to lower his head in shame.

"Maybe," she paused. "Maybe you should fuck someone else, you know. An eye for an eye. Maybe that'll help" She finished, pain in her voice. He was shocked to hear her say those words. He knew it wasn't going to help, but God, the thought of revenge made his heart smile. At a loss of words, he looked at her in shock. He was fighting himself, he knew taking the offer was wrong, and would cause more problems than fix them.

"Fine" He said. He could hear her heart break.

"Alright. Choose your victim." She downed her drink in one toss back of her head. He didn't even need to think about it.

"Her." He pointed at Amber.

"Not her" She said, eyeing Amber. He could sense her insecurities were making a grand appearance. Amber had everything she didn't. Huge tits, a small waist and a phat ass. Not fat, phat. Not to mention, the obviously worked on, beautiful face. He knew it was destroying her, remembering all the times she cried in fear of losing him to someone better, to someone like Amber.

"I didn't choose him." He seethed, his harsh tone bringing tears to her eyes. She let out a sigh of defeat, leaving cash for the drink on the counter.

"Have fun" She said, tears slipping down her face as she quickly turned away, leaving. He knew he hurt her, making him the bad guy of this situation. But his twisted need for revenge clouded his mind. He soon too left the bar, but with a pretty new trophy around his arm with the name of Amber.

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