A little about me

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Hey guys, it's a little weird to say but we've reached 30,000+ readers/friends, and honestly it's super awesome. Sooo, there's really not much I can do to show my gratitude, but I've decided to tell y'all a little bit about me. You guys are free to ask me any questions of other things you'd like to know about me, but yeah, let's get into it.

1. My birthday is February 3rd.

2. I was born on super ball Sunday and my mom is a die hard NYG/football fan and you guys can imagine how pissed she was when she missed the game 😂.

3. I'm a freshman and honestly, I love all of my teachers EXCEPT my bio teacher 🙄 she's such a BITCH, but I have to deal for the rest of the year.

4. I have a pit bull named Nya, and I can confirm that having her for 6 years the she is the most vicious dog ever 😒 *sarcasm*.

5. I love to write and I want to become an English teacher, journalist, newspaper reporter, or author as a career.

6. I have a nose piercing, and to those who are debating or going to get a nose piercing and are scared about it, trust me, if you go to a very good place and trust your piercer, it will not hurt. Just relax and don't over think about it. And (based on what I did at least) clean it 2-3 times a day with soap and water for about two months, don't change it or mess with it for about 3 months to make sure it's fully healed. And, my best suggestion of a type of stud you should get are U/hook shaped ones or (my favorite) L shaped ones.

7. I'm in all honors classes, and MY DUDE, I swear to you, honors classes aren't as hard as you'd think they are. For me, all the "extra" work I had to do was 3 extra essays per unit. And the curriculum is the same as college prep classes, so they don't teach you some extra hard shit.

8. Ok, this might sound a little weird-an I use that word lightly- but I get attached to inanimate objects. Like if I use a pencil for like 3 or more weeks and I lose it, I will feel like so lost and incomplete. And it bothers be when I need to write with a new one. I once literally cried BC I lost a pencil I've had for a year, and my mom was like "the fuck is wrong with you, do your homework."

9. My favorite tv shows are TEEN WOLF!!! Deadly Women, AHS, Game of Thrones, Dexter, and that's about it.

10. Moving back to the piercings, I have two cartilage piercings on my right ear. And for those who are considering getting that kind of piercing, it didn't hurt for me, I went to Clair's in the mall and they did it with a piercing gun. The healing process was about 3 weeks for me because of this special healing liquid thingy they have me that sped up the process, but w/o it it's about a month healing process. DON'T PLAY WITH IT.

11. I have 3 cats (gimpy, bean and burkey) and a fish (dexter).

12. I LOVE horror movies!!

13. 13 is my lucky number.

14. I'm 14 years old.

15. 95% of my clothing is black, 3% is various shades of white and gray and the remaining 2% is actual color.

16. I enjoy dying my hair, I've done blue and pink (at the same time), and it's currently purple(at the ends) but it's very faded so it's looks a little blonde-ish.

17. I'm a third black, white and Mexican.

18. I am an apple user, but most of my friends use android.

19. I have 25 sweatshirts and my collection is still growing.

20. My favorite bands are, 5 seconds of summer, FOB, P!ATD, I'm getting into issues atm, Pvris, TØP, and that's all I can think of at the moment (if y'all have some suggestions I'm willing to listen to them)

21. One of my life goals is to learn French and visit France

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