Take Me Back Pt.2 Luke

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You were standing in the middle of a crowd full of people, women and men holding cameras, they were all standing still as if waiting for someone or something. You looked around you, it seemed like you were outside some kind of club however contrary to normal there wasn't any music being loudly played or any other people trying to go inside. It was all silent, deadly silent. Suddenly a car stopped right in front of the crowd and they started taking pictures. The flashes of the camera's had momentarily blinded you but when you managed to get your vision cleared you saw two people that you had tried to avoid the most. Luke and Arzaylea. They both got out of the car, like two gods as if superior to the rest of the mortals which were the crowd and you.

Turning to Arzaylea, Luke gave her the same heart warming smile he used to give to you when you two were together. He stepped towards her, wrapping his arms tightly across her waist, he pulled her towards him. There was barely any space left between the two, their chests pressed together and their arms around each other. Luke leaned down, his lips ghosting over hers. Suddenly she turned around looking straight into your eyes, she gave you a knowing smirk before turning back around and pressing her lips firmly against Luke's. The shouts and yells from the papparazzi got louder, trying to get the couple's attention but they just carried on.

You wanted to move, to run away, you didn't want to see this but it was almost as if your feet were locked into the ground. Someone was holding you so tightly that you couldn't even turn. "Luke! Tell us what happened with y/n!" You saw the man next to you shout. Hearing your name Luke detached himself from the girl he was holding.

"Y/n?" Luke's expression was of disgust, you had never heard him say your name with the way he said it, full of venom and hate. "She's dead to me." And with that the blonde boy and girl next to him walked into the club leaving you alone with your broken heart for what felt like the hundredth time.


You rubbed your bloodshot eyes as you heard another ding come from your phone. It was 12 in the afternoon and you were refusing to get out of bed just like you had been after Luke had called you. It had been a week since then and your heart didn't seem to stop hurting, you didn't think you could stop crying at all. You had called in sick for work and just made excuses any time your friends tried to get you out of your house.

Blinking to get your vision clear, you squinted at the phone. You had gotten 3 new messages from an anonymous number. An image popped up when you opened the first message, it was Luke and Arzaylea. His arm wrapped around her waist and her around his, her other hand was holding his face. Both their bodies were close together, their chests pressed against each other. You felt as if someone had stabbed a sharp knife right in the middle of your heart and then twisted it.

The second message showed the same picture, however on the top it also showed a small circle displaying Arzaylea's name. It's from her instagram, the sentence was underneath the picture.

I think you needed to see this, she's just using him. The simple was sentence was the last message. Your mind was jumbled with different thoughts, who was sending you these and why?

The messages didn't just stop there, everyday you'd get new messages, screenshots from Arzaylea's twitter, instagram and snapchat each accompanied with sentences proving to you how she was using him. And you were starting to believe it as well, after receiving more than a dozen texts every week about her you were starting to despise her, hate her even and the regular appearances she made with Luke didn't help the situation at all.


"Please, come one! I haven't seen you in ages," Michael whined from the other end.

"You know I can't come," your voice was firm and serious. For the last few days Michael had been trying to get you to come to the hotel he was staying in so he could spend some time with you but you didn't want the whole club scenario to happen all over again.

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