Artificial Love (Calum Hood)

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I thought that this song kind of fit with this preference, and also I think Nylo is an amazing singer and I just wanted to see if you guys would check her out. Note, anything in italics is a flashback.


My hand lifts up, bringing to cold beer to my lips. My eyes irritated, puffy and red, my throat on fire. My hair messy and my breaths heavy, I close my eyes, memories flashing in my head. Memories of her. Y/N, my girlfriend of 6 1/2 fucking years. I remember the way she would look at me, her sparkling eyes enchanting me. Her soft lips, her hair, her smile, her voice. Everything about her was perfection. I wish she felt the same way about me.

"I'm back!" I shout as I close the door to the apartment I shared with Y/N. It was our 6 year anniversary and I had everything planned out. I was going to make a beautiful dinner for us two, then take us on a walk through the local park, ending the night by taking her to the carnival she's been dying to go to for the past 5 days. I look to find Y/N on the couch, laughing at her phone.

"What's so funny babe..?" I ask, taking the seat next to her. She shuts down her phone, placing it on the far end of her.

"Oh, nothing, just some funny text." She says, looking up at me with a smile. I smile back, kissing her on the nose.

"I have some big plans for tonight" I whisper, causing her to giggle.

"Really? Great because I'm going with Luke to the carnival today and I didn't want you to be alone. But since you've got plans I won't have to worry" She says, standing up from her seat, grabbing her bag. My smile drops, my heart along with it.

"W-what no, I planned things for us to do today." My voice trails off, small and weak.

"Why..?" She asks, confused. Standing up, I begin to walk past her, heading upstairs.

"Happy 6th-year anniversary. Don't worry, I'll carry on my plans by myself" I mumble as I walk past her.

"Oh shit I'm sorry, we can do those plans tomorr- oh no we cant' I'm going shopping with Luke, next week?" She offers, shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah. Sure." I huff, closing and locking the bedroom door, tears spilling down my face.

I should've known that day what was going on. When all of us were together, she would always go with him. Cancel plans with me to hang out with him. She would look at him the way she used to look at me. After weeks of this, I finally decided to confront her about it.

"Y/N... come here babe," I say, my mind reeling.

"Can you make this quick, I'm going to meet up with Luke in 20 minutes" She says, sitting down.

"How long ago" I state. Her face drops, a confused expression taking over.

"How long ago, what?"

"Don't lie to me when I ask you. How long ago did you stop loving me and started loving him." I look up, tears brimming my eyes. It only took seconds for her to realize what I meant. She looked down, fumbling with her fingers. Looking away I take a deep breath, preparing myself for her answer.

"About 2 months" She small fragile voice rings. Tears slip down my face as I make eye contact with her now crying eyes.

"Why? I gave you everything and more. Was I not enough?" I ask, my voice cracking.

"No, you didn't do anything. It just happened. We never meant to hurt you"

"Well too fucking late for that. My girlfriend if 6 years was dating my best fucking friend behind my back for two months and decide not to tell me, and you thought I wouldn't get hurt. I would've been better if you just broke up with me and got with him instead of dragging me on, making me believe that you actually cared." I stand up, running my hands through my hair. She soon follows, reaching out for a seconds before putting her hand back on her arm.

"Do you love him?" I finally ask after two minutes of silence.

"Yes. I do. Calum, I'm so sorry, I swear we didn't mean for any of this to happen." She explains herself.

"Leave. Please"

"Calum, please don't hate me. Don't do this"

"God Dammit Y/N, all I want is to have you in my arms, telling you how much I love you but I can't, knowing you love someone else. If this is hard to you, it's 1000 times harder on me. This is what you and Luke decided to do to me, so I thank you for teaching me what real pain is."

"I love you" She looks up at me. Taking her by that arm, I gently guide her to the door, pushing her past the door frame.

"Don't lie. I fell for your angel voice one too many times" I whisper, closing the door. I sink to the floor, my face buried in my hands as I let it all out.

Sniffling, I bring the beer bottle back to my lips. I know if I keep this up I'll die of poisoning, but the thought if that brings a smile to my face. A quick cold death was better than a long warm life of artificial love.

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