Money Isn't Everything (Calum) Smut pt.1

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Writer of this story: oopsiwrotethingsagain
Source: Tumblr2nd P.O.V
"Honey I'm home!" You shouted out into the quiet walls of your mansion.

"Calum?", you called out with no reply.

You looked at the living room table and there sat a single red rose and a note that read: Evening princess, your bath is ready. Xoxo Calum.

You smiled and grabbed the rose and note and headed up the stairs to your master bathroom. You stopped when you heard a distraught voice.

"He must be in his office" you thought to yourself.

You stopped in the doorway, careful not to be a bother, but you wanted to thank him for his thoughtfullness.


You shook your head and stepped through the doorway, waving when he noticed you. You smiled at him and lifted up the note silently thanking him. He nodded and shoo'd you away with his hand as he yelled at his employee some more.

You walked out of the room and closed the door quietly. You headed to your room and your master bedroom to see a glass of champagne sitting on the tub. You smiled to yourself and stripped down, stepping into the warm water.

The water was sprinkled with rose petals and it looked like a dream after your long day of work.

You put your hair in a clippy and settled into the water. You relaxed immediately, closing your eyes and taking in the smell of the rose petals floating in your water. You were almost asleep when you heard the door open.

You looked to see your husband in his robe, brown hair all messy and a scowl on his face.

"Everything okay Cal?", you asked concerningly.

"Idiots." He said rolling his eyes.

"What happened?" You asked raising up to lean over the side of the tub.

"I'm running a company with a bunch of morons, that's what happened." He said scowling.

"I'm sorry.. care to join me in this bath that you so graciously drew?" You asked smiling.

He shook his head and frowned. "No, I've got some more calls to make. I just wanted to make sure you weren't mad at me for earlier."

You gave him a small smile. "I'm not, I know you're busy."

He nodded and tried to smile, but it seemed impossible. He walked back out and closed the door.

You relaxed back into your bath and closed your eyes shaking your head.

You loved your husband more than anything in the world, but ever since his company had become so successful you hardly ever got to see him. He was always in a conference or meeting or on the phone. Shoo'ing you away had become a reoccurring thing in your everyday life now. Although you would be lying if you said that you didn't love the material comfort that his job gave you-you'd also be lying if you said that you didn't miss the way your husband used to be when money was an issue. He was so smiley and loved dancing with you to R&B, he loved to cook with you or paint the living room different colors just for the hell of it. All of the money and power had changed him, and it was starting to get to you. Instead of doing little romantic things together, sentimental things, he used money for everything, and it never involved him being with you. If you were mad at him or an important event came up you'd receive 50 roses at your job or tickets to a getaway for just you and your friends. The getaways and shopping sprees were nice, but you missed how he used to be. How he used to scrape up any money he had to take you to your favorite ice cream parlor. From there you two would take your ice creams and go to the park where he'd serenade you with a song he wrote just for you. The little things were what you missed the most.

You felt a frown make its way to your lips as you thought about all of the fun you two used to have, and how now every time you wanted to spend time with him he was just too busy. You were proud of him, you really were, but you missed him. You knew the same Calum that you had known and loved was under there somewhere, he was the one who drew you this lovely bath, you just had to figure out a way to bring him back.

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