If It Means Alot To You (Tumblr Smut)

801 6 2

Writer: punkmichxel

Source: Tumblr


It was a cold and rainy Friday morning when you trudged into the coffee shop on the corner of the street. Glancing around at the shop, you ran your hand through your now drenched hair.

You came here, to this same coffee shop every morning at 7 to drink your coffee and read some of whatever book you were currently in the middle of. The shop was already bustling with people, and like usual, the crowd lacked a few familiar faces, and held some new ones. There were always new people popping in, though; you would people watch sometimes, and you found new faces every day. Most of them never returned, but that was no surprise to you. This shop had it's usuals, you being one of them.

By the time you arrived, the Usuals were all at their unofficially-claimed tables throughout the shop. You glanced towards your table at the far corner of the shop, thankful that no one had taken it yet. There were a few people waiting for their orders at the end of the counter, but no one was in line to order, so you walked up to the barista you had come to know on a first name basis.

"Morning Ash." You greeted with a smile, resting both of your hands on the counter.

He smiled back at you. "Hey Y/N. The usual?"

"Of course."

He entered in your order as you got out $3.17 exactly without him telling you the cost; after coming here for the past several months you had memorized the amount since your order never changes. You handed him the money and followed him to the end of the counter where orders are picked up, watching as his made your drink. "Ready for summer?" He asked.

You nodded, resting your elbows on the counter. "Yeah, but with this rain it doesn't feel like summer at all."

"Don't worry, it'll be over before you know it." He said. Ashton always kept a positive attitude about everything, and him being your friend helped you be as optimistic as possible. "You still going to India?"

"Yep, I leave mid June." You told him.

A coworker of his came up beside him, looking at the cup in her hands. "Michael!" She called out, placing the cup on the counter in front of you.

"Um, excuse me." A voice said from behind you. You glanced over your shoulder, your eyes locking with his pale green ones. They were enchanting, a color unlike anything you've ever seen before. An eyebrow bar pierced through his right brow, his hair dyed a bright red color that had to be artificial.

You quickly caught yourself starting to stare at him. "Oh, sorry." You said hurriedly, stepping to the side so he could get his coffee. You watched as he took his coffee to pour some cream into it on the other side of the counter.
Seconds later, Ashton handed you your coffee, leaning over the counter to whisper in your ear, "He was totally checking you out."

"Stop it." You scolded, tired of yet another one of Ashton's attempts to set you up with cute guys that came through the shop.

You turned to walk towards your table, bumping right into Michael. "Sorry!" You quickly told him, making sure neither of our coffees spilled on ourselves.

Luckily, none was spilled, and a small laugh fell from his lips. " 'S alright." He said, shrugging it off.

He continued to walk ahead of you, leaving you to trail behind him with a flushed face. You were right behind him, beginning to worry that he would take your table in the corner. And when he laid his bag that he was carrying over one shoulder on the seat you usually sit in, your heart sank.

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