They Find Out That You're Extremely Ticklish

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By: imagensfordaysss

Source: Tumblr

"Hey gorgeous come here" Ashtons soft voice called out to me from the bedroom. I slowly made my way through the hall curious to why he had called me just a few minutes after i left, he must have noticed my confusion as he lifted his hand and beckoned me over. My legs moved forward, i still held the same confused expression as i reached the side of the bed staring down at my sex god of a boyfriend. "What's up ash, i was halfway through the breakfast you told me to make" i couldn't help but giggle at his frowny expression, as he pulled me into his lap. I was now straddling him, we stayed still for a moment just staring into eachothers eyes before i felt ashtons hands clamp down on my sides before his fingers danced around uncontrollably sending me into a fit of giggles as i squirmed to get lose, "Aston Fletcher Irwin..stop" i squealed, giggles and screams still falling from my lips as he continued to mercilessly tickle me a grin etched on his face, "oh dear Y/N, i didn't know you were this ticklish".


It had started as a normal cuddle session a few kisses exchanged every now and then, a few sweet words and phrases were passed back and forth as you continued to lay in bed as the sun rose and the birds chirped happily. Neither you or Luke knew exactly why you were up this early but neither of you cared, you were both content with just laying in bed enjoying each others company. That was until Lukes arm accidently dragged down your waist causing your body to scrunch up and a over the top screamy giggle left your mouth. You froze, as Luke looked down at you laughing silently as he processed what just happened. It's not long before luke is on top of you jabbing your sides over and over again watching as you wiggle and giggle. The smile never leaving his face as he watches you playfully threaten him and squeal, it's days like this that make Luke realise how much he truly loves you.


It was finally the day your best friend Michael got back from his tour and you had never been more excited for something in your life. You had skyped him daily while he was away and texted each other almost every available minute you both had yet you still missed him like crazy and right now you just couldn't contain your excitement. A large smile spread across your face as you watched his car pull into the driveway, your leg bouncing crazily as you watched his tall frame struggle to get out of the small car, you quickly jumped up not wasting a second as you wrapped him in a bone crushing hug, "Holy shit, clifford i don't think you understand how much i have missed you" he let out out laugh as he squeezed you tighter lifting you up as he nuzzled his face in your neck letting out a long sigh, you let a small shriek out as you pushed him away, his breath sending a tickly tingly through your body. Michael raised an eyebrow at your strange behaviour before it all seemed to click "is our little Y/N ticklish" he taunted bringing his body close to you as you eyed him suspiciously a playful grin on your face, "No, i am not" you couldn't help the hitch in your voice as you tried to contain your laughter. He continued to step closer to you until you fell back onto the step, he quickly dropped down next to you taking your face in his hands. he brought his face closer to yours, you could feel his breath against your lips as the tips of your noses rubbed against each other. "are you sure about that" he whispers before delving his face into the crook of your neck blowing hot air against it and occasionally gently nibbling at the sensitive skin. You couldn't control the squeals and the loud laughs that escaped your mouth as you tried to push him away. Soon enough he stopped and just let his head go limp on your shoulder, "I really love you Y/N".


(Calum's P.O.V)

I watched her as she slowly climbed the stairs, yawns falling from her mouth as she dragged her feet across the steps her oversized sweater hanging loosely over her shoulder. I never understood how someone could be so stunning without even trying, the way her hair never failed to look amazing no matter what style or the way her face crinkled and her nose scrunched up as she lifts her leg to take another step as if it's the hardest thing she's ever done. i couldn't help the smile on my face as i slowly creeped behind her, keeping my footsteps as quiet as possible. It wasn't long before i was directly behind her as she continued her sluggish decent up the stairs,i quickly grabbed her waist squeezing it gently causing a squeal to echo through the house causing me to jump back from the sudden loud noise. A laugh shortly followed the scream as soft curses fell from her usually innocent mouth, i chuckled quietly before grabbing her sides this time letting my fingers dance across her abdomen enjoying the giggles and squeaks that fill the house. i slowly spin her around not pausing the movement of my finger till we are face to face, i take deep breath. It's now or never i have to do this "I love you Y/N" i squeezed my eyes shut as i waited for the response, this would be the first time we said i love you to each other. "i love you to Calum, now let me go to bed" she let out another angelic giggle before she gave me a peck on the lips and continued her trek up the stairs. 

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