Smart Phones {Michael}

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IM BACK, AND IM NOT DEAD! Sorry for being MIA, school has just been a load of hot confusing stinky shit, but here I am with an original (ikr) story. I've also been working one something else that I'm very proud of. Hopefully you guys will stick around long enough to see it, but yeah.


I stare down at my iPhone 6s. I watch as the numbers on the green bar on the top of the smaller screen continuously count up. From 1 hour, 40 minutes, and 10 seconds to 2 hours, 1 minute, and 5 seconds. The dead silence between us grows longer and longer. The heavy weight on my chest progressively continues to crush my heart, lungs and ribs. My mouth opens, my words getting lost in my throat.
"I-I-I, um, uh, well, I can, um, explain..." My mouth fumbles over the words that weakly escaped. I can hear him sigh on the other end, his mind reeling as he tried to find the words.
"I don't think, uh, I really-ugh-want to hear right now Y/N. I really don't want to have anything to do with you right now." His voice rings, cracking with subtle anger hidden behind each word. I drop my head down low, tears brimming my almond shaped eyes. I breathe in harshly, letting out a shaky breath. I hear him do the same, letting me know I'm not the only one trying not to drown in their own tears of pain and sorrow. But I have no right to cry. It was my stupid mistake that lead me here. But it wasn't a mistake. I was fully aware of what I was doing the minute I agreed to go home with him 3 months ago. I knew what I was doing when I picked up his call, and saw him again a week later. I knew what I was doing when he told me he needed me. I wasn't drunk, high on any drug, blackmailed. I was dead sober, and sleeping with a man who wasn't my Michael.
"Please don't hate me..." Were the only words I could mutter out, my voice making it evident that I was crying. I was the first one to break. And honestly, I deserve it. I deserve to feel this guilt. It's nothing compared to what he must be feeling now. But I needed to feel it. I needed to feel the hurt I caused myself. To let me know I'm still human. That I'm not just some asshole that breaks hearts for fun, and doesn't think twice about it. That I can hurt from the pain I caused others. The pain that I caused Michael to feel. The pain that the affair feels. I hurt them both, and nothing can change that. The back of my throat burns, but heart pumping so fast that I can't feel the pulse anymore. I hold back the sob that I choke myself on.
"I don't hate you, I love you. Even after this, I still love you. And that's what hurts. That I've fallen in so deep that you can rip my heart out but I still love you," He pauses, a sob emitting from his end of the phone. My cries become louder, harmonizing with his.
"And one day, that stupid love may kill me." My chest burns as I let out a sob that took my whole body to make. I knew what he was telling me. And I wondered if the pain would hurt any more than it does now if he told me without dancing around the words.
"Please...don't, don't do this" I hiccup. But I knew there was no turning from this point. I was just hurting myself. And hurting him even more. I hear the ding of him having up the phone, unable to speak another word to me. In a fit of blind rage and pain, I hurl my phone across the room, obliterating the screen. Time is no longer on my side. it never was. because he's waving goodbye now. Smart phones, dumb shit.

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