He Cheats (Calum) pt.2

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(From now on, the P.O.V's for the charter, (You) will change from 2nd P.O.V and 1st P.O.V)

1st P.O.V

It's been two days since I walked in on Calum and Ellie. They've been texting me non-stop, asking me what's wrong. I guess they didn't catch on. I sighed, reading the last message Calum sent me.

6:44 CalPal;

Babe, please tell me, why did you go home earily? What did you mean by 'How much do you love me'? You know I love you more than ever, please respond!

I rolled my eyes, finishing the last touches on my makeup. I didn't want to be the same old girl who cried through 5 tubs of ice cream. No, she's gone. Now, it's time to show everyone the new me. I'm changing everything. I threw out all of my clothes, buying a whole new wardrobe consisting of ripped jeans, band tees, crop tops and shorts. I want no part of my old life. I want to show everyone, and I mean everyone what they've been missing out on. What Calum's missing out on. I started wearing makeup too, something the old me never would've done. Some tears pool in my eyes, the pain in my chest returning. I quickly wipe away the tears, putting on my best game face.

'No, you can not let them see how much you hurt. You can't let them win. You are going to show them how much stronger you are now. No matter how much it hurts, DO NOT let Calum and Ellie see. After all, they wanted each other, right? Well, now they can. Because you and Calum are over. He's just another lesson learned. Always be prepared. And always look at the clues' I though. If I payed attention better, I would've seen it coming. Calum always leaving early, always smelling like cotton candy, distant, never asking for sex anymore, always smiling at his phone. Always on his phone. I could've put the pieces together that he was cheating, but never with Ellie. The girl who I shared everything with. But she still hurt me. She knew what she was doing. Both of them did. Now, here's their payback. Karma really is a bitch. I smile, grabbing my bag and shades before walking out to my car and driving to school.

¥At School¥

As soon as I walked in, all eyes were on me.

"Whoa, is that Y/N?!"

"God, she changed so much!"

"Y/N"s so gorgeous now!"

"Where's Calum?"


At first the attention was a bit nerve racking, I mean I never had that much attention from these people! But after awhile I got used to it, and held my head up a little higher, a triumphant shile spread across my face. I opened my locker and started to grab my things until it unexpectedly slammed shut. I looked up to see the one and only Calum Hood.

"Ok, tell me why you've been ignoring me?" He said, not so happy.

"Oh, why aren't you and Ellie fucking in the janitor's closet?" I smile,sounding all innocent, trying my best to keep up my act, when really all I want to do is curl up into a ball.

"What?!" He stands back, shocked.

"Oh don't play fucking dumb! I saw you fucking Ellie on the last day in Hawaii! Why do you think I fucking left!?" I screamed, everyone's eyes on us, but at this point I didn't care.

"You saw..." He trails off, regret and hurt flashing in his eyes whilst mine read angre.

"Yeah I fucking saw you ungrateful little shit!" I yelled even louder, a few moments of silence passed.

"How long..." I quietly ask.


"I said, how fucking long" I say, my voice rising.

"I don't think you wanna know"


"6 months..." He whispered. And that's when I lost it.

"YOU HEAR THAT EVERYONE!" I turn to face the crowd of people surrounding us.

"THE CALUM HOOD CHEATED ON ME, HIS GIRLFRIEND OF 6 YEARS FOR 6 MONTHS WITH MY BEST FRIEND ELLIE BROWN!" I turned and saw her standing there, tears in her eyes. I walk past her, bumping into her and whispering,

"You don't deserve to fucking cry you ungrateful little slut" And walked away into my first class. Unfortunately, I sat at the same table as all of my friends. Directly in the middle of Ellie and Calum. I sat down, all of them looking at me.

"We heard what happened..." A.K starts. I huff, pulling out my binder and flipping through the pages.

"Yeah, well I don't need your fucking pity." Just as I say this, Ellie and Calum walk in, their heads down low with guilt and regret. And that's when the whispering started.

"Isn't that Ellie and Calum?"

"Why would he ever cheat on her?"

"Why her best friend though..."


"Man whore"

"No wonder she was crying a little in her car today"

"Well, now we know what kind of boyfriend and best friend they are"

They took their set next to me. Isn't it funny that you could regret who you sit next to so quickly? I put on my best game face, ignoring both of them. I watch as all of our friends give me a sympathetic look, not bothering to look at Ellie and Calum. A few minutes into class, I felt myself start to break down, not being able to keep the act up. I quickly excuse myself from class, running out into the hallway, starting to cry.

"Hey, are you ok?" I hear someone ask. I look up to see Ellie standing there, 3 feet away.

"I'd be better if you left"

"Look, I'm so-"

"NO" I yelled, my tears dried.

"You're not sorry," I walk up to her, jabbing my finger into her chest.

"You're sorry that you got caught. You fucking knew how much he meant to me, and of course you had to fucking take away the only thing that I had that you didn't"

"What? A boyfriend?" She whimpered, scared.

"No. Love" I hear a door open and close, Calum walking into the hall.

"Fucking great" I mumble, walking way.

"Y/N! Wait!" He runs in front of me.

"Get out of my way"

"Not until I explain"

"No Calum!" I say, tears falling again as my voice cracks.

"No Calum, please don't. I don't want to hear about how I wasn't good enough, and how you wanted to fuck Ellie. I'd just be better if you didn't. And don't try to get me to be your girlfriend again. RIP to the girl you used to know. Her days are over" I whisper, turning to face Ellie.

"And you. You fucked up big time. And  could never forgive you. So don't try talking to me. Because all I see when I look at either one of you, is how the two people I loved the most shatter me in a million little pieces. So don't mine me because I'm leaving. And don't try to stop me, because it's all your fault. You knew Calum was off limits, but you went ahead and did it anyways." I walk to the school doors, getting ready to leave before I turn around, the best fake smile I could muster plastered on my face and say,

"And don't be sad. You always have each other"


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