He Comes Shoe Shopping With You (Michael)

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Writer of this story: witty5sosurl

Source: Tumblr

2nd P.O.V

"Michael shut up," you said as you glared daggers at the boy. You had wanted to go out shopping today and Michael had begged to accompany you on your little shopping spree though you were pretty sure a part of that was because he was hoping you'd go into Victoria's Secret.

You had gone into a small shoe store to check out the heels they had in there due to the fact your favorite pair had just recently broken. Unfortunately for you, however, Michael just couldn't seem to keep his mouth closed about how short you were. Whenever you'd put on a pair of heels you'd still be at least a couple inches shorter than him. Why he got such a kick out of that you didn't know, but you were seriously losing your patience at this point.

"Awe c'mon babe I'm only teasing you." The smile was still on his face though right now it had become just the slightest bit smaller and a little less teasing. "You just look so cute...how's the weather down there?"

You had just started to calm down a little but at his last comment you let out a huff before punching the side of his arm. "Guess someone isn't getting laid tonight. Such a shame too, I was planning on wearing these new pumps too." You turned on your heel, a smirk playing on your lips as you left Michael gaping at you.

"Y/N wait!"

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