More than friends (Michael) one shot

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Requested by ellieholland973 

Dear Michael,

I hate you. But I love you. I hate that I love you. God, I can't get you out of my mind. Ever since we first met back in 4th grade, I loved you. I remember the day we first met. I was sitting on the park bench whist mom played with Y/LB/N. I was alone and sad. Then you sat next to me, handing over a crushed flower.

"I sat on it earlier. Sorry" you said, giving me a shy smile. I laughed at your stupidity, but took the flower anyways. I still have that flower, to this day. Taped on my dresser mirror. But that day, we talked and talked. Then your dad came over. So did my mom. It was something straight out of a movie. They made eye contact. You can see the love flicker in their eyes. He asked her out on a date, and were inseparable since. We grew up together, the bestist of friends. When we were 10, that's when I realized that I actually loved you. And not in the sense of, "You're going to be my stepbrother in the near future if everything with our parents go well," I loved you like "I want to kiss you all day, have you call me yours."

When we were 14, your dad proposed. They got married in the same year.

On my 16th birthday, they announced that they were getting divorced because my mom was cheating on your dad with his sister. For a year you didn't talk to me. Accosting me with my mother. And for that reason, I moved out on my 17th birthday. I was mad at her for screwing up our relationship. She got married to his sister, and now they have a child together. She only talks to me for money. Saying how I betrayed her. But I know she's just as hurt as I was. Am. And here we are at age 20. You're in a famous band, about to start your second world tour. I'm still living in Australia, in the same apartment I bought all those years ago, attending AU(ok, I don't know if Australia University is a real place, but for the sake of this preference it is), getting my degree in fashion. I bet you can recall how badly I wanted to be a fashion designer. Well, that dreams coming true. I doubt you'll get this letter, the address I have might not be right, but I hat to try. I'm sorry for the person to receive this if you aren't who I'm sending this to. But if you are Michael. I just want you to know, I love you. I still do, after all these years, I still do. So please, some how, let me know you got this message. You don't have to say it on life tv, or on a sign on Times Square. Just a text(203-189-0249), or letter to let me know you got this.

I love you Michael. More than friends.


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