He'd Popular And You're Not (Michael 4/4)

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2nd P.O.V

You knew that you had no chance with him. We was THE Michael Clifford, bad ass popular guy of the school. You've dreamed of being with him, like how the movies go. You know, the nerdy girl falls for the bad ass player, but ignores it. And then they wind up becoming "friends," and by the end of the movie, they're together. But life isn't a movie. And there's no sequel to it. We can't be together, ever. That's how it goes here. The populars only associate with the nerds unless they need answers to a question, paired together in class, or the shove them into lockers. Period. No in between. It's almost painful to watch yourself fall harder and harder for that one person you can't have. It's awful. You wished life was like a movie, "Y/N and Michael, together forever". But, you had the face the crushing reality when you finally figured out that you'd never be a popular, and that you'd never be able to call him yours. You'd become the complete stereotypical high school girl with her crush. The drawings in the notebook, the pictures in your locker and room, even writing 'Mrs. & Mr.Clifford' on sheets of paper. It's pathetic, you know. But it was better to dream about the simply impossible being possible, than to loathe on the thoughts about why it's impossible. You lean up against your locker, watching him walk by, but even looking in your direction. You hang your head low, closing your locker. You knew that the thoughts and dreams of you two being together were tearing you apart. But it was better to imagine a life you wanted them to live the one you were given.

The one without Michael

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