He Cheats Calum pt.9

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I run into the bathroom stall, locking the door behind me, letting out a loud sob.

"It's not like that, I swear, please let me explain!" He bangs on the door before letting himself in.

"Y/N, please, for once, let me explain myself. Let me explain everything."



"I'M LEAVING!" I yell as I exit my house, deciding to walk to school. I plug in my headphones, my PARAMORE bennie on, my head down low as I take a bite out of my apple, lightly singing along to the music.

"I miss the bad things,
The way you hate me,
I miss the screaming,
The way that you blame me"

"Y/N!" I hear as I walk into school. I take out my headphones, and look up, Kay standing there.

"Look!" She hands me a note. I take another bite out of my apple as I begin to read.

"I found it on your locker..." My eyes grow wite, immediately recognizing that handwriting.

"He wants to talk..." I softly whisper, looking to at her with doe eyes.

"I really think it's time for you two to talk Y/N." She says, rubbing my shoulder.

"Come on, lets go find him" She drags me along, searching high and low for him. But as we turn the corner down the hall my locker was, I freeze. My body incapable of moving.

"Y/N..." Kay whispers as she stares on with me. What are we staring at? Calum and Ellie.


In front of my locker.

Before I can comprehend what I'm seeing, my eyes pool with tears, just as Calum sees me. I could see the smug look on Ellie's face, no sign of regret. I turn around and run to the bathroom, Calum taking after me, shouting my name.

I run into the bathroom stall, locking the door behind me, letting out a loud sob.

"It's not like that, I swear, please let me explain!" He bangs on the door before letting himself in.

"Y/N, please, for once, let me explain myself. Let me explain everything"

"Home. Let's talk at home. Now"


Ok, so I know this sucks, but there's going to be like 2-3 more parts until I end this mini series, and start a new one! It's the hes popular blah blah calum one, so I'm trying to like save all the good shit for the last two parts!

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